Page 315 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

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“No, Alexandria! You put that down, or you’re grounded,” Philip threatens.

“You do know you can’t ground a child under two years. It doesn’t work that way,” I tell him.

“Speaking of kids, where’s yours?” Fergus asks Ian.

“My mother has him,” Ian says, distractedly. “She’s somewhere with Henrietta, swapping recipes.”

“Guys, places,” Sarah’s voice comes from nearby, and I sigh remorsefully at my wet pants before following my friends to the altar.

Ian and Agatha chose to get married where they first met: on Agatha’s sprawling family estate. It is where Eve and I will be doing our second ceremony in a month’s time.

As Agatha shows up and starts walking towards Ian, it feels like life has come into a full circle. If I close my eyes, I can still see us as boys, running around, and a girl running after us.

I see the young men we became, the heartbreak we went through, the struggles that we faced.

And now, here we are, the last of us getting married—the young boy who watched the girl with adoring eyes, vowing to himself that he would one day be her husband.

Friends, family, lovers, husbands, and now fathers.

Full circle, indeed.
