Page 64 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

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“I did some checking up on Clarence. He’s up to his neck in debt. It wasn’t hard to find the paper trail he left behind. His links to the loan sharks and your stepfather weren’t that hard to uncover once we knew what we were looking for. We have enough evidence to lock him away for a very long time. And once this whole thing is done, you and I are going to take a long vacation to somewhere with a private beach.”

I purse my lips, trying not to cry.

“I thought I would never see you again.”

Philip puts his hand on my lap, his silence speaking volumes. His jaw is taut as he says, “It was Zayn’s idea to put tracking chips in your bags. Just a precaution.”

I stare at the bag that still hangs across my body.

“There’s a tracking chip in this?” Philip nods.

“You take this everywhere. Even your phone has a tracking chip. We didn’t know where the danger was going to come from so we covered all our tracks.” He grips my hand. “I was this close to losing you tonight, Charlotte. I don’t think I’ll be letting you out of my sight for quite a long time.”

I hold his hand, my body shivering. My voice hoarse as I say, “I can see it.” He gives me a startled look.


“Us being married in five years. I can see it. I want that. I don’t want to be separated from you again, Philip.” Philip’s hand grips mine tightly.

“We won’t be. I won’t leave your side. Ever.”

As my world spins, I find darkness descending upon me.

When my eyes open, I feel warm and cozy. Vaguely, I wonder where I am, before realizing that I am staring a man’s chest.

Looking up, I see Philip sleeping, his arm around my waist, one leg tossed over mine, completely entwined with me. I move slowly, and the movement is enough to jolt him awake.

“You’re up.” He stares at me with relief in his eyes. There are fresh aches and pains on my body, but I feel more like myself.

“How long was I out?” He settles his hand on my stomach.

“Just over twelve hours. You passed out in the car. Thankfully, you didn’t have a concussion, but you were banged up bad so the doctor treated your scrapes and prescribed a day’s rest.”

I am silent for a moment, and then ask, “What happened? With Clarence. Did you get him?” Philip runs his fingers through my hair.

“Him, the loan sharks, they’re all in jail. Madison’s in jail. Your ex-fiancé is in jail.”

“What?” I blink at the last part. “Why are they in jail?” Philip just shakes his head.

“it’s a long and complicated story. I’ll tell you once we get up. But, meanwhile, I have something for you.” I stare at him as he rolls over and picks up something from the nightstand. “Give me your hand,” he tells me, and I hold out my left hand.

He takes it and then removes the ring from it.

I feel something cold roll in me, and I ask hesitantly, “Philip?”

He holds out a box to me, and open it, showing me a simpler, more stunning ring.

“That one wasn’t from me. This one is. It’s our wedding ring. It’s my promise to you to love you forever, till my dying breath. This ring is also the one that I will put on your finger again when we get remarried, which we will on a date of your choosing.” I hold out my hand, my eyes brimming with tears.

“You can’t ditch me this time.” He slides the ring on, and then cocks his head.

“I was more scared of you ditching me.” I lean over and press a kiss to his lips.

“I love you, Philip. Thank you for loving me.”

He stares at me, and I could swear I see a sheen in his eyes, before he ducks his head and buries his face in my neck, murmuring, “My heart is yours now, Charlotte. Now and forever.”

I feel a happy sigh escape my lips, contentment filling my soul.
