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I’m pretty sure he’s asking me to make a bunch of genfins horny for each other.

“Please,” he says, when I don’t answer right away. “Our resources are low, and the nectar won’t be ready for another month.”

“Of course I’ll help,” I say, putting him at ease. “This is actually perfect. I’ll bring my trainees with me, and they can do it as their assignment. It’ll be excellent practice before Valentine’s Day.”

He has no idea what Valentine’s means, but he rolls with it and gives me a smile. “Perfect! The ceremonies will take place in the pavilion at nightfall. I can trust you and your cupids to be there?”


The elder pats me on the shoulder and mutters something about, “Helpful cupids,” before walking off.

I instantly turn to my mates with a beaming smile. “Did you see that? Your genfin elder totally just asked me for help.”

“We saw,” Sylred chuckles.

“That was so awesome! And now I’ll get to give my cupids some real-life experience.”

“Was that…Elder Mortel?”

I turn to look at Resha as she comes pushing through the other parents.

I nod. “Yep.”

“He’s the most prominent member on the elder council. Why was he talking to you?”

“He asked me for help,” I say proudly.

She frowns.

“Ready to go?” Ronak asks me.

I nod as a yawn overtakes me. “Yep. Someone ca

rry me, though. I’m too tired to walk. Also, my feet hurt. Also, I want another honey cake for the road.”

“Already got it for you,” Sylred says, handing me one.

“Gods, you’re just the best,” I say, taking it.

We say our goodbyes to the parents, and then I look between Ronak and Okot as I bite into the cake, waiting to see who will take me. Ronak rolls his eyes, but he scoops me up bridal style and starts heading away.

When we’re back in the carriage, I rest my head against Sylred’s shoulder. “That was fun.”

Sylred kisses the top of my head. “It was.”

“Resha totally almost likes me,” I say around a yawn.

“You have nothing to prove to my mother,” Ronak says with a frown.

“Yeah. She’s a bitch. She calls her housekeeper, Housekeeper. The male has worked for her for fifty years, and she still can’t call the fucker by name. Don’t kill yourself trying to impress her,” Evert says.

“I think she’s just unhappy,” I admit. “I realized that I don’t pick up any love mojo coming off of her.”

I peek up at Ronak to see how he receives this news, but he just looks resigned.

“You know that your parents aren’t in love?” I ask, surprised.

Ronak just shrugs. “Most genfin mate matches are arranged. The males put in a request for a mate, but it has to be approved by the elders. Since there are so few genfin females, it’s usually multiple coveys vying for the same female. The one with the highest social standing gets first choice.”
