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“Genfin tail?” Ronak asks.

The midwife turns the baby so we can see. “Pink hair like her mama, but no genfin tail,” the midwife answers. “She has red-ringed eyes. She’s a lamassu.”

I feel Okot tense beside me, and then Ronak does some crazy alpha handling business stuff, and Okot moves from behind me and gets up from the bed to take the baby.

The beaming midwife passes her over, and Okot takes her in his huge arms, cradling her like she’s the most precious, fragile thing in all the realms. Tears fall from my eyes at the expression of wonder on his face.

“Hello, little love,” he says to her, and her own cries instantly dry up.

Her tiny hand wraps around his finger, and Okot smiles. He looks up at me, and our eyes lock, my heart near bursting when I see his wet with joy.

“Thank you, my beloved,” he whispers in total reverence.

I bite my shaking lip and taste the salty tears that drip down.

The other guys move to get a look at our sweet new baby girl, cooing words of adoration.

“Alright, let’s get this afterbirth delivered,” the midwife says, but I’m already contracting, and I cry out from the intense pain that takes me by surprise.

The midwife hurries between my legs, but I’m already pushing. The guys scramble around me, confused. The midwife looks up from my hoo-ha and beams. “There’s another baby!”

I blink at her. “Come again?”

She nods. “Twins! You’re having twins! You need to push!”

Cocklehearts in a cottonhole. I’m gonna kill someone.

Chapter 21

I look at the midwife like she’s insane. Also like I want to murder her with my demon powers. I seriously consider soul-sucking her for, like, a good thirty seconds.

“You’ve got to push, honey,” she tells me again.

I shake my head “I…I just…” I point at the baby I just delivered. “I already did that! I’m supposed to be done! That’s the rules!”

“Yes, but now you’re going to do it again. Now push!”

“Fuuuuuuuuucking hell!” I scream as I push as hard as I can.

Of course, that’s when the demon, Jerkahf appears in a burst of hellfire smoke.

He materializes at the foot of my bed, with a front row seat to my stretched-out uppercunt.

When we see each other, our eyes widen, and we both shriek in alarm.

“Don’t look at me!” I shriek, at the same time that he cries, “My eyes!”

Evert is on him in a hot second, smashing his fist against the demon’s jaw, but I’m too busy to intervene because I’m pushing again and feeling like my vagina is stretching wide enough to accommodate a freaking elephant.

It’s so hard. It hurts. My entire vagina is on fire. “Something isn’t right!” I wail. “Oh gods, it’s too big!”

The midwife has a strained look on her face as she tries to help me pry the baby from my body. “Keep pushing!” she urges.

I push and push and push until black spots appear in my vision and then…a baby bull pops out of me.

The midwife holds it up in shock. Its sleek hair is covered in blood and placenta. I pant, and everyone freezes in astonishment, looking at the freaking bull that I just pushed out of my vagina. It has little baby horns—dulled, thank gods—and little hooves. Oh, and it’s wings? They’re cupid red. It’s adorable, but…

My eyes swing to my lamassu mate. “You…you didn’t tell me that I might have to give birth to a freaking winged bull!” I screech.

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