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We paced quickly down the corridor together. There was a good foot of space between us but I could almost feel the heat coming from his body. His spicy aftershave danced up my nose with every stride we took, making my cock twitch with every breath.

I paused when we reached a door marked ‘Maintenance’. What could only be described as grunts were seeping from the gap beneath the door and by Sawyer’s raised eyebrow, I was sure we’d found our missing band member.

“What the fuck are you playing at?” Sawyer blasted when he opened the door, revealing Matt with his pants around his ankles and a young blonde bouncing up and down on his lap. “We’re on in two!”

“I’ll be… ah fuck, baby… five minutes,” he growled, keeping his hands firmly on the woman’s waist and encouraging her up and down. My eyes flitted to the ceiling, but my ears couldn’t escape the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. They didn’t stop for even a second – as if it was completely normal to have people walk in on you having sex and just carry on like you were chatting about the weather.

“Claire. Maintenance room, now!” I looked to Sawyer who was ending a call I didn’t even see him make. Within seconds Claire was barging in behind us with a scowl on her face.

“Matthew!” she scolded. As if someone had just thrown a grenade at his feet, Matt rolled off his chair, practically tossing the blonde to the floor, and then tripping over his pants when he tried to stand. “You!” she barked, pointing to Blondie. “Out. Now!”

The moment confirmed the fact that Claire was the ‘mother’ of the band. Good to know for when the next situation like this arises – because I have no doubt it will. Picking up her knickers from the floor and then smoothing her skirt – or was it a belt – down, Blondie scurried from the maintenance closet like a red-faced teenager who’d just been busted by her parents.

“Sorry, Claire,” Matt muttered guiltily, sweeping the floor with his eyes.

“Get your butt on that stage,” she ordered. Nodding, Matt walked past her, still adjusting the zipper on his jeans. Claire rolled her eyes and followed behind him. Smiling at me, Sawyer cocked his head for me to follow him out of the room.

So I did, and I didn’t take my eyes of his fine arse all the way to the stage.

As usual Sawyer was literally glowing after finishing the show. His dark hair was damp and swept back from his face, all traces of Elle’s styling efforts completely gone. His cheeks were warm shade of red, visible beneath his heavy coating of stubble, and his skin was glistening with a light sheen of sweat. I imagined the other guys probably looked the same, but I didn’t notice them. Only Sawyer. I’ve only ever noticed Sawyer since being fourteen years old.

Getting the boys to their cars and back to the hotel was a military operation – one that ran as smoothly and quickly as I expected. With the guys and the team we naturally took over the top floor of the Hilton. Claire is in charge of booking accommodation, and by happy coincidence, my room was situated next to Sawyer’s. I didn’t know whose room we would end up in tonight, but as we rode the lift to the top floor I knew regardless, he would be on top of me, buried balls deep inside my arse, at some point in the next few hours.

My dick twitched and my heart swelled at the thought.

“My room. Tequila. Hot girls. Come on!” Matt hollered, jogging down the long hallway towards his room. A collective ‘Hell yeah’ resounded in the narrow space, followed by several high fives.

“Nah, man, I’m gonna pass tonight,” Sawyer interrupted. I bit down on the inside of my lip, refusing to let the smile tickling the edges of my lips show.

“You pass every fuckin’ night lately,” Matt grumbled. “You’re turning into an old fuckin’ man, what the hell is wrong with you, dude?”

“I’m just beat, that’s all,” Sawyer said, pursing his eyebrows in frustration.

By this point Darren and Gavin were already in Matt’s room, the rest of my team were dealing with hotel security downstairs and Claire was at Spur, an exclusive club in the city centre, confirming the after show party details for tomorrow night. I had no idea where Laurelin was and I didn’t particularly care. She’s just one of those people who grate on your nerves, even though you can’t pinpoint why. She rubs me up the wrong way, and if I’m honest I don’t really see the point of her. None of the other guys have a PA. I think Sawyer is just being a fucking diva.

“G’night, guys,” I said, heading towards my room. This conversation didn’t involve me. I was here to protect the guys, not party with them. Sawyer nodded, and I could tell by the position of his mouth that he was biting the inside of his lip. As I unlocked my door and stepped inside, the only thing on my mind was that I would be tasting that lip very soon.

I was still alone in my room at 2AM. I’d expected Sawyer to join me almost immediately, yet three hours had passed and there was still no sign of him. I’d showered, shaved, ordered up a bottle of chilled red wine – which was now almost empty – and stared at the TV, unable to concentrate on whatever was showing.

Giving up and sighing heavily, I knocked back the last mouthful of wine in my glass, set it down on the glass coffee table and decided to turn in for the night. My foot was hovering over the plush white bedroom carpet when it came – a knock on my door. Walking over to it, I purposely loosened the knot in my robe a little. I was certain I would find Sawyer on the side - no one else would stop by during the middle of the night.
