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“Right,” I clipped, looking at my watch. “We need to wrap this up, the guys are on their way.”

Claire nodded and then headed out to the back of the building to wait for the guys to arrive. I issued the rest of my team with their orders for the night, answered any questions they had, then I straightened my black tie, secured my earpiece and went to join Claire.

The second I saw Sawyer’s long, denim-clad legs swing from the car I became very aware of my pulse. It thudded in my ears, increasing in speed and pressure. Once he was out, standing by the car door, his eyes caught mine and they narrowed, causing my own to widen in surprise. He snatched his gaze away quickly when Neil came up behind him. Slowly, they walked towards Claire and me, and then he simply brushed past me without a word.

Tiny sparks of fear sparkled in my gut. Was he having second thoughts about us? Had he found out about the threats?


I’d told myself a thousand times I could still do my job effectively despite the feelings I had for Sawyer, which is why I needed to talk to him immediately. Right now, I couldn’t focus on scanning the perimeter, I couldn’t remember what positions my men were supposed to be stationed in, which meant I couldn’t do my fucking job. All I could think about was why Sawyer looked at me the way he did.

Arena security escorted the guys to their dressing rooms. Claire followed Matt and Isaac into their shared room, Gavin and Darren headed into theirs and I followed Sawyer to his. Elle was outside when I reached his door with her hand hovering over the handle.

“Mind if I just take a minute alone with him?” I asked. My words came out in a rush and by the look of confusion sweeping across her face I knew I’d appeared too eager. “I just need to run over the itinerary for after the show.” I purposely forced calm into my voice this time, but I knew I hadn’t fooled her.

“Um, sure,” she said warily. “I’ll start with the other guys,” she added, giving me the once over with suspicious eyes before dragging her suitcase full of hair crap across the corridor.

I walked into Sawyer’s dressing room without knocking. He was bending down to his guitar case, unclipping the latch when he heard me come in.

“One sec, gorgeous girl,” he began to say, obviously expecting Elle. Then he straightened up and turned around. When he saw me his neck jerked back in surprise. He didn’t speak and this worried me. It felt like something had shifted between us and I didn’t like it. So, needing to close the gap between us, I stepped forward, cautiously raising my hand to his face.

“You’ve been gone all day,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he buried his cheek into my palm.

“Is that what’s wrong with you.”

“Kind of.”

“Kind of?”

“I… missed you.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“It’s an unfamiliar thing. I’m not sure how I feel about needing someone so badly.”

“You need me?”

My heart thumped so fast and powerful in my chest I wondered if he would be able to hear it. Deciding he probably couldn’t, I took hold of his hand and pressed it to my chest.

“Yes,” he answered on a sigh. “Yes I think I do.”

“Fucking hell, Sawyer,” I breathed, my chest swelling with all kinds of emotion. Releasing his hand, I cupped his face, bringing his lips to mine. I wasn’t sweet or gentle. I kissed him like I wanted to fucking devour him. I attacked his mouth, twisting my tongue around his, like I was starving. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words coming from that delicious mouth of yours,” I whispered, breaking our kiss and resting my forehead on his. “I’m going to fuck that mouth so hard tonight,” I added, making him shiver in my arms.

“Jesus…” he groaned when I stroked his dick through his jeans. He was hard and ready for me. He always was. “You shouldn’t feel this good.” Briefly, I wondered if he’d ever overcome the doubts or shame that he felt, but I quickly dismissed it, choosing instead to revel in the gruff moans escaping his throat as I continued stroking his erection.

“Tonight, baby,” I whispered, smiling into his strong neck as I pulled my hand away from his groin. “I want you to fuck me tonight.” Sawyer drew in a sharp breath, his body stiffening slightly. “By the time I’m finished with you, I promise you’ll want to.”

“I… I mean what if… I might not do it right.”

“You’ll be perfect,” I assured him. Uncertainty contorted his face as I pulled away from him. I wasn’t worried. I would take care of him… relax him. I had no doubt I would provide him with the best fuck of his life. “I need to get back to work,” I said reluctantly, adjusting first the uncomfortable bulge in my pants and then straightening my tie. “Have a great show, Sawyer,” I tacked on, flashing him a wink that made one side of his mouth turn up into a half smile. Then I turned towards the door and left, feeling pretty damn amazing as I headed off to find Neil.

Just over an hour later the support act were finishing up their set and it was time to gather the guys. They should’ve all been waiting in Sawyer’s dressing room as instructed, but I came to learn pretty quickly that Matt didn’t handle instruction very well.

“Where the fuck is he?” Isaac blared, pacing across the dressing room floor. “Have you checked his dressing room?”

“Yeah,” Darren replied. No sign of him.”

“I’ll go and look for him,” I announced, shaking my head in frustration. I imagined dealing with Matt was what high-school teachers had to live through every damn day.

“I’ll come with you,” Sawyer said, getting up from his chair. I forced myself to look away from him, knowing the sight of him in those tight jeans and ripped shirt would have me hard and throbbing for him in a nanosecond.
