Page 8 of Rend (Riven 2)

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You’re not special. You’ve never been special to anyone. That’s why everyone, everyone, everyone, has thrown you away.


His voice was serious. For all that he was a happy, sunny man, there was a gravitas to everything he did. A deep, immovable confidence that couldn’t be shaken. It made me feel safe and brave.

“I get the feeling that if I told you all the things I think about you, you’d bolt,” he said, and I heard the unspoken end to that sentence: Just like all the other men did.

He was looking at me so intently I had to close my eyes.

Before I could disappear into myself, Rhys’s mouth was on mine. His kisses devastated me. They made me want to open myself up to him and let him take me apart. I’d had the sense, from our first kiss outside the diner, that he’d like it if I did. That he’d take care of me, even if I laid myself bare.

When I threw my arms around his neck, seeking closeness, he stood, lifting me effortlessly, and walked to the bed. I caught a glimpse of ice-blue eyes darkened by pupils blown so wide he looked high as he lowered down on top of me, then I lost track of everything that wasn’t his mouth, hot against mine, and his hard body pressed against me.

His slick tongue, his rough hands, his hard cock, the straining planes of stomach, back, thigh. All of them were mine. I pulled his clothes off as fast as I could, and then I couldn’t stop touching him. His skin was flushed with desire and the blond hair on his chest and stomach and thighs was a shade darker than the hair on his head, the hair around his thick cock a shade darker than that.

He was heat and power and desire, and I wanted all of it. I tried to get out of my shirt and sweatshirt, and for a moment my hands got tangled up in the sleeves. Rhys moved to help, and paused, looking at me. Then slowly, so slowly, he pressed my wrists to the bed over my head instead of freeing them, and a shudder of heat pulsed from my cock to my throat. Rhys’s eyelids fluttered.

“I like it,” he growled, the roughness of his voice a contrast to how gently he held me. I could’ve loosed myself with a flick of my wrists.

I pressed my hips up, letting him feel how hard I was, how much I wanted this. Him.

“I like it too,” I murmured.

Rhys caught my hips in his hands and held us tight, erections pulsing together to the beat of our hearts. I left my hands above my head and tried to say with my body what I couldn’t quite bring myself to vocalize.

Please. Please, take me. Want me. Own me. Take me apart.

Then, as the spark caught between us, Please put me back together again.

Within moments, I was naked and Rhys was kissing the thin skin of my inner thighs, fingers biting into my hip bones as I fucked the air. His stubble electrified me and the closer his mouth moved to my swollen cock, the wilder I became beneath him.

There was a mindlessness to my lust with Rhys that I’d never felt before. Like maybe I could trust him to catch all the pieces as I flew apart in his arms. I didn’t even realize I was struggling until he caught my arms.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, eyes concerned, even though we were both breathing heavily, and so hard we were dripping. Even though I was grabbing at him.

I blinked up at him, and things came back into focus. His much heavier weight on me. The thick bulges of his muscles. The way his lips were parted and slightly bee-stung from my mouth.

“Yes,” I said, but no sound came out.

“You sure?”

One hand left my arm and cupped my cheek. It was only when his palm touched my face that I realized how hot my cheeks were. The cyclone that had caught us was slowing, and I wanted it to rage—needed its chaos and its speed because without them, I was just me, and that wasn’t enough.

I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped my arms and legs around him.

“Please, please, please, I need you,” I managed, and I felt his groan rumble through him.

“Anything you need,” he breathed, then his lips were back on mine, and the spark flared again.

I kissed him with everything I had, and when his fingers slid inside me, slick and rough, I threw my head back and moaned.

“Fuck, Matt, you’re so fucking sexy,” he growled. His fingers stroking inside me, his mouth at my throat, it all made me wild with need for him, and I reached for his erection, circling the tip with my thumb, before dragging my hand from base to tip. Rhys made an inarticulate sound and then grabbed for a condom.

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