Page 93 of The Closer He Gets

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Driving into her garage on Thursday evening, he wished like hell it was Saturday. It felt as though it should be.

He was reaching for the remote to close the garage door when he saw in the rearview mirror that another car had pulled in behind him on the driveway. He turned to look at the gold Toyota Camry. Not the newest model, but only a few years old.

Instead of closing the garage door, Zach got out of his pickup and went to meet the older man who had climbed out of the Camry. One good look and Zach thought, Oh, hell. The guy was tall, thin, mostly gray, with a mouth that drooped a little on one side. And he had Tess’s eyes.

“Mr. Granath,” Zach said resignedly.

“Deputy Carter.” The faintest slur softened his consonants.

“Uh, yeah.” He held out his hand, because what else could he do? “It’s good to meet you.”

Tess’s father cocked one eyebrow, either because that’s what he did or because the muscles on the other side of his face didn’t work right. “Interesting to find you here,” he said.

Zach winced. “I guess Tess hasn’t told you.” Thank God the front window had been replaced yesterday, he reflected, since he didn’t know how much Tess was telling her father.

The front door opened and Tess appeared on the porch. Her gaze flew to Zach’s. “Dad!” she said brightly. “I didn’t expect you.”

“Only way I can find out what’s going on,” he muttered.

Zach went in through the garage to give father and daughter a minute to themselves. Once inside, he endured an awkward introduction that neither man needed.

Finally, Tess threw up her hands. “Zach is staying here because of all the stuff that’s been happening, okay?”

And because he was sleeping with her. But, hey... He kept his mouth shut.

Dinner was already on and she made it stretch for three. While they ate, Mr. Granath extracted most of the story from Tess with strategic silences, that skeptical, raised eyebrow and some inspired guesses. Zach admired his interview skills, although he didn’t enjoy having them turned on him.

On the whole, however, he decided he liked her father, who accepted the appearance of a previously unannounced live-in boyfriend better than he might have.

Nevertheless, Zach was relieved when he left.

Tess stumbled all over herself apologizing, which annoyed him.

“It was bound to happen.”

“Yes, but I know you didn’t want—”

“Tess, it’s no big deal,” he said with a little more bite. “You told him I’m here to keep you safe. What father is going to object to that?”

“Yes, but I didn’t mean—”

“Drop it.” If he sounded testy, that’s because he was. He was glad to be able to turn on a Mariner game and pretend he gave a damn.

Friday night he suggested they go out for dinner and maybe see a movie. Getting away from the house would be good for her. He vetoed the thriller she suggested, on the grounds that it struck a little too close to home, so they went for a comedy that had them laughing enough to loosen him up.

Her, too, he decided as he held her close to his side through the exiting crowd. Her cheeks were pink and she tucked her hand into the back pocket of his jeans as they crossed the parking lot.

“Well, look who’s here,” said a man behind them.

Zach shot to instant readiness as he turned, nudging Tess to a position half behind him. Crap—it was Hayes with a woman and another couple. If he had to guess, the other man was the brother. There was some resemblance.


The other deputy’s expression was ugly. “Both witnesses, looking real cozy,” he sneered. “Do those special investigators know how friendly you two are?”

“Being threatened has been a great bonding experience.” Zach switched his gaze briefly to the woman, whose head was bent so she didn’t have to meet his eyes. At least she was capable of some shame.

Hayes grinned. “Threatened? I don’t know what you’re talking about. What d’ye say, Tyler? You heard any threats?”

His brother guffawed. “Not me. Something got you scared, Carter?”

“Scared? No. Just a little irritated. But, you know—” He shrugged. “I don’t have to worry about it, because the special investigators seem pretty competent to me. Detective Easley with CCPD, too.” He let his gaze rest on Hayes. “They’ll catch whoever is doing it.”
