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ouchebag did?

“I think that’s enough,” Finn said. “Neil, let’s go. You’re driving, remember?”

Driving. He could do that today. He should focus on driving. Not this asshole clearly trying to goad him into doing something else that might cause a stir, like dropping him to the cement.

No, that would probably just end with Martin filing assault charges. Neil wasn’t going to take the bait.

He turned to walk away but he didn’t get very far before Martin spewed even more fighting words.

“I know all about your 9-1-1 calls and trips to the E.R.”

Neil froze. How did he know all these things? These were private files from his childhood that no one other than CAS staff and the courts had access to.

“Is that tiny caveman brain of yours trying to figure out how I know all these things? It’s not very hard to dig up dirt when you know people in high places.”

He paid someone off. That was a given. But who?

“When Carson and I are married—and we will get married if she knows what’s good for her—she’ll be able to keep the company she’s trying so hard to hold on to.”

Neil turned quickly to face him. “She’ll never marry you.”

“She will if she wants to erase her colorful past. No wonder you two got along so well. Trash does attract trash.”

Finn was ready a second time when Neil cocked his arm back.

“Such a Neanderthal,” Martin said. Then the douchebag pulled a small velvet box from his pocket. “All I have to do is ask.”

There was no way Carson was going to marry this guy. She couldn’t. She should love someone like…

Like him.

“You’re a slime. You’re just waiting to take the company out from under her.”

Did her father know about Martin’s intentions? Was he in on this plan?

Martin laughed. An evil, sneaky laugh. “Aw, did you think she was going to marry you?”

Neil lunged forward. This time, Finn didn’t hold him back. His fist flew in the air connecting with douchebag’s face. Martin reached up to his nose with both hands, his fingers already covered in blood as it seeped between his fingers from his nose.

The blink of a light flashed to his right. Then another. Photographers had huddle around them on the street.

Neil cursed loudly even after he noticed the microphone being held up to capture audio.

“You … I can’t believe you just hit me.” Martin brought one hand down to rub against his jacket. His nose, swollen and red and bleeding stared back at him. “Did you see him hit me?” he questioned the media. “Did you see what this throw away has done to me?”

“Where the fuck did photographers come from?” Finn shouted.

He was right. They seemed to swoop down just in time to witness his lapse in judgment. Again.

“Nothing to see here.” Finn shouted and waved his arms, doing his best to move the media away from Neil.

When the photographers didn’t listen, Finn grabbed one of their hands and scratched his own arm. “It’ll be a little hard to deny the accusation of assault I tell the police when they show up. “

“You’re fucking crazy, dude,” the photographer said.

“All of you…hit the fucking road.”

A very devious and underhanded move by the good brother. Neil was impressed.
