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The photographers dispersed and Martin got angry. “I paid you to record the entire encounter,” he yelled.

Paid? Why would he pay photographers to show up and…?

“You paid these assholes?” Finn asked. “Why would you do that?”

“To make sure Carson’s career is ruined,” Neil supplied. The pieces of Martin’s puzzle all coming into place. “And at the same time, make sure she stays away from me.” He struggled to control the anger coursing through him. “You were responsible for that video, weren’t you?”

“It is quite impressive how excited people get at the possibility of a Madewood sex tape.”

Martin hadn’t actually confessed but like a bull seeing red, Neil charged. He lunged forward and Martin actually bent, covering his head with his arms in terror. Neil stopped abruptly and fisted his hands at his sides. He wasn’t going to let this guy get the better of him again.

“Big mistake giving away all of your secrets. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

Neil turned to walk away, but stopped when he heard Martin’s voice.

“I don’t think so, Mr. Harrison.”

Neil turned to face him. He’d finally straightened, his hands no longer covered his face.

“You will keep your mouth shut about everything that just transpired or you can be sure that Carson will never work in this city again.”

Kelly Designs was a company of less than twenty people. What made this guy think he had the power to make threats and impose fear?

Normally Neil would have taken it as an idle threat, but the fact that Martin could secure confidential information about his childhood made him think he had some kind of influence he could use against Carson. And Neil was going to find out this asshole’s deal. Even if he had to hire a private investigator to do it.

As for Carson, she needed to know about his true intentions. But Neil had already done enough damage to her career. He wouldn’t be responsible for completely trashing it. He knew that Martin meant what he said about ruining Carson. Hell, he’d done a damn good job of it already. He would stay quiet, for her sake, until he had enough information to nail this Martin to the wall. Information that no one—not Martin, not the security company, not Carson’s father—could dispute. In the meantime, he knew Carson was on to Martin’s game, if not the ugly turn it had taken the last few weeks. He just had to hope she was prepared for a challenge.

Neil let Finn drive him home. With the way his body vibrated in anger, getting behind the wheel wasn’t the best idea.

But after being dropped off at his condo, the time seemed to pass in slow motion. His home hadn’t changed over the last seven days, but it seemed emptier. The kitchen not as gleaming. The living room not as cozy. Something was missing. And it wasn’t furniture or a wall print, it was a feeling. A feeling that made anywhere, everywhere feel like home. A feeling he got only when he was with Carson. The night they spent together in that shitty cottage had been the best night of his life. And that place was run-down and falling apart with zero amenities.

Funny how he’d give up his condo to stay in a shitty cottage as long as Carson was by his side…

At that moment it hit him. He loved her. Loved everything about her. She had shown him the man he could be. The man he wanted to be.

Carson had some trouble ahead and there was only one way to minimize that trouble. He needed to make sure Martin didn’t get anywhere near her, didn’t hurt her in any way.

He powered up his laptop and searched for a private investigator. It would take time, but he still had a few days before the grand opening. It should be enough time to track down something he could use as leverage.

He would risk getting involved in her family business to keep her safe. Even if it meant walking away from her forever when it was over.

Carson took another sip of scotch. The ice tinkled against the glass of her tumbler. It was a soothing sound, a sound that made the sting of her earlier humiliation a little more bearable.

She had really done it this time. Stepped in shit and tracked it all over town. But this time it was her own shit. She had no one else to blame.

Well maybe Neil Harrison. If she hadn’t picked someone who was in the media spotlight, then maybe her hoo-ha wouldn’t be on the internet for all to see. And maybe her moans of ecstasy wouldn’t have ruined her career.

But she couldn’t be mad at him. Not in the slightest. She was a willing participant that night and if she could go back, she wouldn’t change one second of their time together. But she needed to keep her distance from the man who seemed to bring bad with him everywhere he went. Her career couldn’t stand another hit. As it was, it would be hard enough to rebuild it without Neil in the picture.

And with Neil in the picture?

No. She couldn’t risk everything for a man who only viewed her as a racing distraction.

Now you just need to tell him. The sooner the better.

A loud banging on her front door caused her to jump in her seat. She checked her watch. It was after nine pm. Who the hell would be visiting at this hour?
