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She raced to her kitchen table and typed in the website. Her mouth dropped to the floor when she saw the picture of Neil, his fist connecting with Martin’s face.

“Jesus Christ, Harrison.”

The toilet flushed and Neil stepped out into the living room.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” She turned to face him. “What’s wrong?”

The feeling of utter bliss had erased from her body and all she felt was tension.

Neil pulled on his boxers, then his pants. His abs and biceps rippled with his actions. And that ink that peeked out of the collar of his shirt never failed to turn her on.

“How about you punching out my colleague in broad day light.”

“How do you…” He stalked toward her on the table. “How did you find this?”

“I signed up for this idiotic blog after the sex tape debacle. I just got an email telling me all about your little incident.”

He cursed under his breath.

“As if the sex tape wasn’t bad enough; you had to hit him?”

“It’s not what you think. He’s the one—”

“How can it not be?” She pointed to the screen. “Neil Harrison loses cool in a mid-afternoon brawl.”

Neil yelled, “He started it.”

Maybe he was exactly who he thought he was.

Maybe Carson was projecting her own wants and needs onto this man. Good thing she was nipping this in the bud before things got too intense.

You’re already in love with him. How much more intense can it get?

“I’m already in enough shit with my father. My job. I don’t need you adding to the equation.” She stood and walked to the kitchen where her bottle of scotch sat, just waiting for some love.

Neil grabbed at her arm as she walked.

“Carson, please, you need to stay away from him. He’s trouble.”

She unscrewed the top and poured herself a hefty glass.

“He’s trouble. He orchestrated that whole incident today. He said…” His voice trailed off.

She gulped down half the drink. “Dammit, Neil.” She rubbed the cool glass against her forehead, as if considering her next words, then set it down on the table. “You know I’ve almost lost the Bower contract and you know the shit I’ve been going through with my father and the firm. Did you know that the main concern about hiring me was that after the tape, Mr. Bower’s wife was concerned I slept with all my clients? Do you know how that felt to hear in a business presentation?” She fisted her hand around the glass. “Yes, Martin’s an ass. I’ve known that for years. Hell, I even told you about him being a total ass! And I certainly understand wanting to slug him. But couldn’t you have just taken the high road? Couldn’t you have thought of the consequences before you reacted to some stupid shit he said? Added more fuel to the media fire?”

He clenched his jaw, “You’re right.” He headed to the couch and grabbed his helmet. “Just be careful.”

She downed the rest of her drink as Neil walked to the door. He grabbed the knob and yanked it open, but just before he stepped out into the hall he stopped and turned.

“Whatever you do, don’t let anyone—not your father, not Martin, not anyone—come between you and your dream of being an architect.”

As soon as the door slammed behind him, tears streamed down her cheeks, burning her face.

Chapter Ten

The wind had picked up since Neil had left his home earlier that evening. It wasn’t the best weather condition for riding, but he’d make do.
