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Neil opened his eyes and didn’t recognize where he was.

Bare, beige walls. Itchy blanket. And…pain. He groaned.

“Good morning, asshole.”

He turned and focused on Cole sitting in a chair beside him.

“You’re in the hospital if you’re wondering,” he said, flipping through the pages of a magazine. “Almost killed yourself last night.” He looked up. “In case you were wondering why you’re here.”

He remembered.

After his blow up with Carson he’d hopped on his bike and rode out to the race site. And he’d raced. And he’d…”

“Did I win?” He turned to Cole who shook his head with disgust.

He remembered leading the race and then he spun out and then he woke up. Here.

“How did I get here?” He didn’t recognize his own voice.

“I’m not really sure. Jack got a call from the hospital. Apparently someone dropped you off. Whoever you’re hanging around with is a great friend to drop you at the door and take off. You should send them a fruit basket.”

He understood why. Too many questions. No one was going to risk a tangle with the cops.

The door to the hospital room opened and Finn and Jack walked in.

“You’re awake,” Finn said, a warm smile curving at the side of his mouth.

“Are you coherent?” Jack asked.

Neil looked between the three of them and nodded.

“Well, good.” Jack approached the end of the bed. “Just want to know you’ll remember the conversation when we tell you you’re a fucking idiot.”

“Jack?” Finn said.

“No.” He held up his hand. “We’re not doing this. We’re not tiptoeing around the situation. I knew something was up a year ago and I did nothing about it.”

Jack looked the most angry he’d ever seen him.

“Sorry, Finn,” Jack looked over and shook his head. “But this stops now. King, you’re going to tell us what’s going on with you. The truth. All of it.”

“It’s none of your—”

“Business?” Cole said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s not going to fly anymore.”

They weren’t his keepers. He didn’t need a babysitter. He was the oldest, for fuck sake.

“Look, it’s fine.” He looked at all three of them, finally settling on Finn. “I’m fine.”

Finn hesitated before he spoke. “What about your temper? The disappearing.”

Christ. Even Finn was against him.

“The bikes.” Jack said.

Neil let out a long, heavy breath.
