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“What about Carson?” Cole asked.

“What about her?” There was no Neil and Carson, not anymore. She made that very clear last night. But in the light of day, he knew what he had to do. He was going to follow through with his plan to bring Martin down.

The Madewood’s didn’t give into blackmailers.

Cole shot a gaze to Finn who rolled his eyes and then landed on Jack.

“It would save us a lot of time if you just admit you love her now rather than ten minutes from now when we can’t stand listening to you anymore.”

“I…” Shit. He did. “I do. I love her.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Finn asked.

“I’m not good enough for her.”

“Fuck that,” Finn shouted. “Don’t you dare believe anything that jackass said to you yesterday.”

“He was right.” Neil yelled. He tried to sit up but his ribs screamed in pain. He slumped back on the bed. “She needs someone who doesn’t fly off the handle when things get tough. She needs someone who’s…” Someone who wasn’t going to disappoint her. Someone who was in control of his emotions.

“I’ve screwed everything up for her. Thanks to me, her career is in the toilet.”

“I’m sure she doesn’t think that,” Cole said.

Neil laughed. It sent a sharp pain down his ribcage. “She made that perfectly clear last night. She lost an account because of the sex tape. But I’m going to fix it.”

He didn’t know if it was even possible. He didn’t know what sort of skeletons Martin Connelly had in his closet, but if he had any, Neil had no problem holding those skeletons over his head. And he’d never threaten Carson again.

“It’s just a matter of time before I fly off the deep end.” He wasn’t in control of his emotions, his actions. He couldn’t be trusted. “Look at what I do. I punch people in the street. I risk my life. I have no consideration of what my actions do to other people in my life. That’s not husband material. She needs a man who will be able to pick up their daughter and not tense up.”

“Neil…” Cole approached the bed. “We’ve all been through a lot of shit. But that doesn’t mean we’re destined to be alone.” He pointed at his brother. “Look at Jack.”

He was going for comic relief. But it just wasn’t enough.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit, brother,” Finn said. “You’re a good man. And the only thing stopping you from becoming a great man is you.”

“Look, I appreciate the pep talk, but things with Carson are done. She needs to move on and so do I. I have a farm to open and this is going to put me behind schedule.”

“So if she showed up here you wouldn’t tell her you love her,” Jack asked.

“No. She doesn’t need to know that. It will just complicate things.” His brothers looked devious. “And none of you are going to tell her that either, got it?”

“Yes, King.” They said in unison.

“Mr. Harrison?” A nurse walked into the room. “It’s time for some meds.”

He nodded.

Cole took his seat beside the bed and Jack and Finn left the room again.

Hopefully, he’d be out of here soon and then it was back to work. Full speed ahead. He had a restaurant to open and Martin to expose. In the meantime, all he had to do was steer clear of Carson, giving her the space she needed to move on, forget that he ever existed. He didn’t want to cause her pain and heartache and that seemed to be what he did best when it came to her. He only had to prepare himself for one more encounter at the opening. And then they would take their separate paths…and never look back.

Carson raced through the sliding doors of the emergency room and skidded across the wet floor to the nurse’s station.

“Neil Harrison? What room can I find Neil Harrison?”

One of the nurses barely looked up from her computer screen. The other shot her a half-smile and picked up a clip board. Jesus fucking Christ.
