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“Oh, it’s okay. I was just with Mom.”

Now she’s calling her mom?

“Dad,” Rachel continues, happy as can be. “Can I have a car?”

“A what?” I stare at her as if she’s lost her mind. “You can’t even drive, Rach.”

“But I’m almost sixteen,” she reminds me. “It’s legal for me to get a permit. It didn’t really matter when we lived in Seattle because we had the public transpo, but there isn’t any here on the island. I’d like to be able to get around without always asking for a ride.”

“I’m not even going to entertain the idea of getting you your own car until you’ve been through driver’s ed. We’ll look into it this fall. I don’t have a problem with you driving, but let’s not get carried away. First thing’s first.”

“I don’t have to take driver’s ed to test for the license. Mom said so.”

I narrow my eyes and want to punch the wall.

Carla isn’t the fucking driver’s ed police.

“My rule says you do have to take driver’s ed,” I reply. “You’ve never been behind the wheel, Rach. You’re nowhere near ready to take a driving test. But we’ll get the ball rolling.”

“Okay.” She sighs in disappointment and takes a bite of her bagel. “I think I’ll go walk on the beach for a while.”

“Be careful,” Maeve calls out to Rachel as the girl leaves the room, then she turns to me. “So, this is fun.”

“I’m canceling the Vegas gig. There’s no way that I can leave here in two days with Carla in town. I don’t fucking trust her.”

“I know you don’t trust her, but you do trust me. And I’m telling you that we’ll be okay. It’s twenty-four hours. I can handle things for that long.”

I pace the kitchen in frustration. “It’s not you I’m worried about.”

“Does Carla have a history of kidnapping or child endangerment?”


“Has she ever put Rachel in a dangerous situation?”


“I know she’s not a great person, but I don’t think she means Rachel harm. You should go. Do the job and then come back. It’ll be fine.”

I was looking forward to going to the fight. To seeing everyone again, hearing the crowd, and submerging myself in the life once more, even if only for a few hours.

“I’ll go,” I say at last. “But if there are any issues, I want you to call me right away. I can be home in a few hours.”

“Don’t worry,” she says and pats me on the shoulder. “We’ve got this. Rachel won’t do anything to hurt me. I’m confident in that.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Dad, you’re going to build a gym this big?” Rachel asks the following day. We’re standing out in the field that’s just to the right of the house. It’s close enough to walk to in any weather, without being right on top of the house and garage.

“That’s right,” I reply. “I need it to be big because I plan to put a ring inside.”

“Who are you going to fight?” Maeve asks with a laugh. “It’s not like we have a huge MMA population on the island.”

“I’ll have visitors, and I have friends from Seattle who’ll come visit. It won’t go unused. Besides, I have the space and the money, so why not?”

“Can’t argue with that,” Maeve says as she walks around the foundation that’s already been poured. “What else will it have?”

“The usual weights and cardio machines. And I think I’ll put an office upstairs. Mostly, it’ll be a place to display trophies and memorabilia.”

“You should display those things in the house,” Maeve says.

“I think it would be cool to have it all in the gym,” Rachel says, thinking it over. “Like, this is where it all started and came from, and if it’s part of the décor, that would be awesome.”

“You know what?” Maeve says, nodding. “You’re right. I like that, too. Where do you have that stuff now?”

“In boxes,” I reply.

“In boxes,” Maeve echoes and then laughs. “Of course, you do. Well, I’m glad you plan to put them on display. You should. You earned them.”

I grin and shove my hands into my pockets. “Damn right, I did.”

“I’m hungry,” Rachel announces.

“You’re always hungry,” Maeve says and loops her arm around my daughter’s shoulders. “You must be growing. That’s what my mom used to say when we were growing up. What can I fix you? Tuna sandwich? Flatbread pizza?”

“The pizza sounds good,” Rachel says with a grin. “Do we have pepperoni?”

“What else do you put on pizza?” Maeve asks. “Oh, Hunter, I was going to ask you a question.”


“Do you mind if I have my sisters and a couple of the cousins from Seattle over tomorrow night while you’re gone for a little girls’ night? We’ve been trying to arrange it since you and I went to LA, but something always comes up. Tomorrow night works for the others. There will be some alcohol, but we’re never crazy with it, and we’ll be responsible with Rachel here.”

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