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“I know. And who is Danny?”

I have a bitter taste in my mouth at just the mention of the asshole’s name.

“Carla’s been with Danny for years. I don’t think they’re married. Not sure.” I shrug. “Don’t really care, honestly. He’s a fighter, and not a particularly good one. I’ve fought him several times. Always kick his ass.”


I smile. “He’s a dick. He talks a lot of smack—more than normal for someone who rarely wins. He’s not a champion. He doesn’t have what it takes to be a champion. Clearly, the asshole does drugs for fuck’s sake.”

“What are you going to do?” she asks.

“I already called Carla and told her she can have no more contact with Rachel.”

“I figured you’d do that.”

“I need to have a talk with my kid, too. Is there any food left?”

“Ma’s inside warming up everything now.” Maeve takes a deep breath of sea air. “It was awful last night. How is this possible?”

“How is what possible?” I reach over and tuck her red hair behind her ear.

“I’ve only known you for…what? Less than two months?”

“About that.”

“And I’m completely in love with you. With both of you. I’m possessive and protective. So protective. It’s like I’ve been with you for years. Forever.”

“It’s not always about time,” I remind her. “I’ve been in love with you since the first time I saw you at the pub. And then the next day, when you were all prim and proper, and trying to sell me any house but this one.”

She laughs and glances back at the house. “Well, it’s my dream house.”

“And it’s yours.”

Her smile fades. “It’s your house, Hunter.”

“And you live in it. Do you really think I’m going to let you leave when the repairs on the other house are finished? Not a chance in hell.”

She props her hands on her hips in that sassy way she does that makes me fucking crazy. Her lips tip up in a smile.

“What am I supposed to do with the other house?”

“Sell it, rent it out, keep it for family to use. Hell, I don’t care. I just want you with us. In your dream house.”

“I mean, it’s a really nice house, so I guess I could put up with you in exchange for living in it.”

I grab her wrist, haul her over my shoulder, and take off toward the house.

“What the hell?” She giggles and pats my butt. “Put me down, you caveman.”

“Eventually,” I reply, but carry her until we get to the house, then set her on her feet in the kitchen.

Three pairs of eyes turn to us.

“Is there any bacon left?” I ask.

“I have a delivery for Rachel Meyers,” the kid says when I answer the door.

“I’m her dad.”

He passes me a padded envelope and then leaves. I rip it open, and Rachel’s phone falls out, along with a note from Carla.

“Rach!” I call up the stairs and open the note.


I don’t know what happened last night. I’m very disappointed in you for leaving without telling me. You got me into big trouble with your dad! He says I have to stay away, but don’t worry, you and I will come up with a little plan.

I’ve saved a new number in your phone under the name Trina. So you can still talk to me. Just tell Hunter it’s a friend from school. We will outsmart him!

Keep me posted on all the things we talked about. And text me later!


I open her phone and delete Trina and Carla’s number, then climb the steps to see what Rachel’s up to. I’ll be shredding the note.

I should have figured that Carla would try to find a way to go behind my back.

“Rach?” I knock on her door and then open it, blinking in surprise.

Maeve and my daughter are hanging curtains and dancing to an old Britney Spears song.

“Hey, Dad,” Rachel says with a grin. “We’re just putting my stuff back up. I’m gonna throw the crap Carla bought in the trash.”

“I think that about does it,” Maeve says as she fusses with a pillow on the bed. “Back to normal. We have to go to the pub in just a little bit.”

“Do I have time to chat with my daughter?” I ask.

“Of course. I’m going to go change my clothes.” Maeve walks to me and kisses my cheek, then leaves us alone.

“Is that my phone?” Rachel asks, gesturing to the cell in my hand.

“It is. Your—Carla had it sent over for you.”

“Sweet.” Rachel takes the offered phone and checks it for messages, then tucks it into her pocket.

“Honey, did Carla try to get you to go along with some scheme she dreamed up?”

The smile on my daughter’s face fades, and she sits on her bed. “Sort of, yeah. She kept talking about me coming to live with her. Said I could just sneak away.”
