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“Run away.”

“Yeah. But I knew it wouldn’t really happen. Carla has always talked like that, even when I was little.”

My head snaps up. “What?”

“She’s just full of it, Dad. She always has been. Oh, I found out yesterday that she didn’t buy that Cooper. She rented it. She just wanted to piss you off.”

“Jesus.” I drag my hand down my face in frustration. “It worked.”

“And she hates Maeve. Like, whenever I talked about Maeve and her family, Carla would tell me to shut my mouth. She’s so jealous. And I swear I didn’t know that Danny was going to show up. He’s such a creep. I don’t like the way he looks at me.”

I narrow my eyes. “And how is that?”

“In a creepy, old-dude way. And he’s not very nice.”

“No. He isn’t.”

“Anyway, I’m sorry about last night, Dad. I know I’ve been in trouble for things like this before, although I’ve never done any kind of drugs. But I swear to you, this time, it was not my fault.”

“I know.” I sigh and reach over to ruffle her hair. “I know it wasn’t. Rach, I told Carla she can’t see you again. It’s just not safe. For as long as you’re a minor and live with me, I won’t allow it.”

“Good.” She sighs in relief. “Because last night sucked, and I have no interest in seeing her. I thought I had to because she’s my mom.”

“Nope, you don’t have to. She has no legal right to you.”

“Okay. I think it’s best if she just goes away and doesn’t come back.”

“I agree. I’m glad we’re on the same page here. Now, I need to talk to you about something else.”

“Oh, geez, what did I do now?”

I laugh and tug her in for a quick hug. “Nothing, you little stink bug. I want to talk about Maeve. I know it might seem like it’s moving fast, but I want her here with us. Permanently.”

“Like, are you going to marry her?”

“God, I hope so.”

Rachel grins. “I love her, Dad. Like, I really love her. And her family is just the best. Grams and Gramps like them, too. I want her family to be part of ours.”

“I take it that means you’re okay with it, then?”

Rachel rolls her eyes and makes me chuckle. “Yeah. I’m great with it.”

Chapter 16


Someone is licking my neck.

I grin and remember all of the mornings that my brother’s dog, Murphy, woke me up by licking my toes.

But he’s never licked my neck.

I crack open an eye and find Hunter nuzzling me, his hand gliding over my skin from hip to breast and back again. Good God, the things this man can do with his hands should be illegal in at least four states.

Maybe five.

“Good morning.” His voice is gruff with sleep. The light stubble on his cheek scratches over my skin.

It’s not unpleasant in the least.

“Morning. I thought you were Murphy.”

He lifts his head and scowls down at me. “Who the fuck is Murphy?”

“My brother’s dog.”

His eyes narrow. “You thought I was a dog?”

I giggle and play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I was sleeping really hard. I wasn’t in my right mind.”

“I’m going to keep you out of your right mind for a while,” he promises and goes back to trailing kisses down my chest to one nipple. My back bows in invitation, and I moan when his hand finds its way between my legs. “Do you like that, babe?”

“You know I do.” My voice is breathy now, and my skin heats as he covers me and settles himself between my legs.

“You’re too beautiful in the morning,” he murmurs. “I couldn’t resist you.”

“You’ve always been charming.” I grin and then sigh when he glides the head of his cock over my slick lips. “Waking up like this does not suck.”

“I was hoping you’d feel that way.” His lips are gentle on mine as he sinks inside of me. He braces his elbows on the bed, his fingers tangling in my hair as he starts to move. “I can’t get enough of you, Maeve. I want you constantly. I crave you.”

The words are an aphrodisiac all on their own. My body is on fire.

“All of this, every delectable inch of you, is mine, Maeve O’Callaghan.” His eyes pin mine, his gaze intense. “Do you understand?”


I grip his ass and urge him to move faster, but he maintains his lazy, slow pace. I’m pretty sure he’s trying to drive me absolutely insane.


“No.” He bites my chin. “I’m enjoying you.”

“Enjoy me faster.”

He smiles against my neck. God, I love it when he does that.

“That’s totally against the whole point of lazy morning sex.”

I gasp when he grinds the root of his cock against my clit, and that little piece of metal from heaven hits me in just the right spot, making me see stars.

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