Page 73 of Saison for Love

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David said his goodbyes in the hallway, giving Carol a quick peck on the cheek. Ruth followed him out the front door to the porch, closing the door behind her. “Please don’t buy Carol a new game system.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why not? It’s no big deal.”

“It is a big deal. To her. And she’s earning the money to buy one on her own. She’s been saving for months now. ”

“So? She can use the money for something else. Clothes or something.”

Oh, fuck you. “She’s got clothes. She’s learning how to save her money for something she wants. Please don’t screw that up.”

“I’m not going to screw anything up, but I’m going to give her a gift. Don’t make such a big thing out of it, Ruth.”

“Couldn’t you give her some games or something? Does it have to be the whole system?”

David gave her one of those lazy smiles that had once driven her to distraction. The ones that told her he was going to do what he pleased, and to hell with what she wanted. “She’s my daughter. I want to give her this. I guess you can play wicked mommy and lock it up if you want to after I’m gone, but I wouldn’t recommend it. She’s liable to think you’re just being a bitch for the hell of it. Just like the good ol’ days.”

He turned on his heel and headed down the front steps without looking back. Ruth stood still, taking deep breaths to calm herself. Not that deep breaths alone were likely to do that. “Unbelievable,” she muttered. “Un-fucking-believable.” After another moment, she headed back inside.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and she closed her eyes. She didn’t want to deal with Carol just then.

“Did he leave? Is he going to come back?”

“Probably.” Ruth sighed. He’d come back. He had to give his daughter her gaming system, his “fuck you, Ruth” present.

“What about…” Carol paused, maybe sensing that this wasn’t the best time to talk about the damned Xbox.

“We didn’t reach any agreement about the game system. It’s still up in the air.”

Carol’s eyes narrowed, but she wisely didn’t pursue it. “And the trip?”

Ruth frowned. “What trip?”

“The trip to California. With Dad. You said you’d discuss it.” Carol was looking more and more annoyed.

Ruth shook her head. “We didn’t talk about it.”

Carol put her hands on her hips, thrusting out her lower lip. “You said you would. You promised. I want to go. I want to go back with him when he leaves.”

“That’s too soon,” Ruth said automatically. “We need time to plan.”

“No we don’t. We don’t need to plan anything. All I need is a plane ticket, and then I can go with him. I wouldn’t even be flying by myself.”

And when you get there, he’ll forget he brought you along. “We need to talk about how long you’ll stay and what you’ll be doing. I need to know what your father’s plans are.” I need to know your father actually has some plans, besides turning you over to his PA while he goes clubbing.

“Then you could call him,” Carol said desperately. “You could call him right now and work it out. Suppose he needs to go now? I should be ready.”

Another stress headache began to work its way up to Ruth’s frontal lobes. “He’s not leaving yet, and I’m not calling him now. And you need to start getting ready for bed.”

“No!” Carol stamped her foot. “No, no, no! You need to call him right now. I want to go to California. You need to tell him so. It’s not fair. It’s not fair you’re not listening to me.”

Ruth closed her eyes, rubbing her fingers across her forehead. She didn’t need this. She so didn’t need this. And it didn’t help that she felt a little like crying herself. “Get ready for bed, Carol. I’m not doing this now.”

“I hate it here,” Carol shouted. “I hate everything.” She turned and ran upstairs, her feet hammering on the treads. A moment later, her door slammed so hard it rattled the windows in the hall.

At least she didn’t say she hated me. Yet. Ruth headed back to the kitchen. Maybe she could finish the bottle of wine, but that probably wasn’t a good idea, given her current state of mind and the fact that the bottle was over half full. She could have a glass of Bec’s beer, which would be a little harder to swill.
