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But what he was doing now wasn’t a part of that. He didn’t stroke a woman’s hair and gaze into her eyes, a little mesmerised by the wonder he saw there as she gazed back at him, and he didn’t question why he felt so good being with her.

‘Are you ready?’

She nodded and kissed him and he moved carefully over her. He nudged her thighs apart with his knee and shifted between them. He was desperate to feel her around him, but as he forged forward into that soft, slick heat there wasn’t a lot of room. He was big and she was small and her body wasn’t giving way.

Lulu was aware of him nudging at the heart of her and she forgot to breathe. She felt so excited—she wanted this—a

nd yet as she shifted a little and he pressed she knew it wasn’t happening. Something was wrong. She froze. Frustration and humiliation joined hands and Lulu just wanted to cry. How typical of her. She couldn’t even pass through this fundamental rite of passage without her body conspiring against her.

She was useless—useless.

‘Lulu.’ Alejandro steered her face with his hand so she was looking into his eyes.

‘You just need to relax,’ he told her, his expression making her think he must be in some degree of pain.

Relax? She didn’t want to relax. She wanted to have sex. She’d relax when it was over. Which looked like round about now…


She felt his index finger gently circle her little bud of nerve-endings and familiar sensation streaked through her—only it was sharper, more intense, with him lodged partway inside her. He kept up the circular motion, sipping at her lips, and Lulu soon found herself caught up in this very nice activity that was coaxing her senses towards that blissful rippling pleasure.

It was only as she softened around him and gave way, and he forged forward inside her, that she realised what he’d done. But it was only a moment’s flashing thought, because his thumb continued to stroke her and her body seemed instinctively to take up the dance, drawing him into her.

He was coaxing her with husky words to wrap her legs around him, his hands remarkably gentle as he cupped her hips. It was only then that he began to move, with immense restraint, and she knew he was doing this for her. All for her. Her breath stopped in her chest at the sweetness of it.

His jaw was locked and he was studying her face with an almost unholy intensity.

‘Am I hurting you?’

She shook her head.

Lulu tried to think, but all she could do was feel. She began to give herself up to the rhythm they were creating together, and as she arched against him his thrusts lengthened. She could hear herself making small sounds, until she cried out and her entire body seemed to release around him.

His rhythm quickened and he moved inside her with a fierceness he hadn’t shown before, finding his own pleasure. Buried inside her, he shuddered heavily and Lulu was overcome by a sense of utter unity with him. She revelled in the sheer animal heat of their bodies wrapped around one another.

Alejandro did his best not to collapse on top of her, and when his back hit the mattress he anchored her to him. He found himself holding her—something he never did. Which was when he became aware that Lulu was hiding her face against his shoulder. He remembered the way he’d dismissed her in the car, the way she’d hidden her face as he’d said those words to her. He hadn’t understood anything. He felt a blade of self-revulsion sink deep as he wondered if he’d hurt her.

‘Dulzura…’ he said, bombarded by feelings he was damn sure he didn’t recognise or want. He thought he’d made it good for her.

She lifted her head, her eyes bright as stars through those silky black curls. He was a little mesmerised by them and he’d underestimated her. She didn’t look unhappy at all.

‘That was amazing,’ she breathed. ‘When can we do it again?’


LULU’S BACK HIT his forearm, between herself and the wall, and she heard something smash on the floor.

Oh, dear.

Only Alejandro was already lifting her, and with her legs locked around his waist he was filling her so absolutely all she could concentrate on was how good it felt.

She wasn’t sure if a woman with as little sexual experience as she currently had should be so adventurous right off the bat, but it was hard to argue with something that felt so amazing.

Thump, thump—her shoulder nudged at the framed cross-stitch on the wall.

She whimpered, sliding her mouth against his neck as he built their pleasure.

It was all extraordinarily illuminating, if at times a little overwhelming. Nothing he did failed to bring her pleasure.
