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Their mouths moved in perfect harmony, and right there beside a table in the flea market, with people milling about and their bodies creating enough heat to ignite the book in Reese’s hand, he felt as if their hearts were reaching for each other, coming back together, bridging the years with silent hopes for a future.

Or was that just wishful thinking?

Her soft curves melted against him, and as they drew apart, she sighed. It was a dreamy, wanting sound that sent him reeling with desire.

“I can’t forget about Tami,” she whispered.

It took a minute for his lust-drenched brain to remember who Tami was.

“I should go see her before it gets too late,” Reese said as she set down the book. “If you want to stay to look through the rest of these books, I could come get you when I’m done.”

“I want to be with you, Reese. More than anything else in the world.” He slid his arm around her waist and held her close as they went in search of the eager, budding artist.

* * *

TAMI PRESTON WAS eighteen years old and full of youthful dreams and fangirl enthusiasm. She gushed over meeting Reese and kept smiling at her mother with an I-can’t-believe-she’s-here look in her wide eyes. Reese was happy to let Tami know just how great her artwork was, while also sharing a few thoughts on ways to bring more depth to her paintings and sketches.

It warmed her heart to see Trent paying for one of Tami’s paintings. He was so thoughtful. But then, fast on its heels, came that same question she’d been circling again and again since he’d come back into her life: Why did he let ten years pass before seeking me out? She still found everything about him alluring, from his wit and charm to his willingness to give her space when she needed it. But why, oh why, had he waited so long?

Ten years ago, she’d felt selfish asking for more of him when she knew he was working so hard to make a name for himself in his new profession. But she’d grown up with parents who put their relationship above all else, and that’s what she’d thought she’d found with Trent in those early weeks of their whirlwind romance. What’s more, she’d seen that same commitment in his parents’ relationship, and she’d believed Trent when he’d assured her that nothing would ever come between them.

Now, as he came to her side and placed a hand on her lower back, her heart was aching for a second chance, but the questions still lingered. Would he ever really put her ahead of work? Would he resent her if he did? And could she be more understanding about his hours and the demands of being an attorney, especially now that he’d taken on so many responsibilities at the resort as well?

At the same time, she had to ask herself—did she really want to be his entire world? Because she loved the sharp-witted, practical, and methodical side of Trent, which earned him accolades in the legal world, as she’d seen documented over the years in articles in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. She had always been so proud of him and of all of his accomplishments.

So, no, she didn’t want to change that part of him. At least not completely.

But she did want to know that his heart skipped a beat whenever he thought of her, the way hers always skipped when she thought of him. She wanted their love to be strong enough to withstand a few late nights, but also be important enough to him that he would want to come home to her in the evenings…and that when he left their bed each morning he would feel a pang of longing to stay.

Oh God. In the space of one outing, she’d already mentally inserted herself back into his life.

“Thank you so much for coming all the way here to see my work. You can’t imagine how much it means to me.” Tami embraced Reese.

“It was my pleasure. You’re really talented. Keep painting, and you have my e-mail address and phone number. Contact me anytime. I’m always happy to share thoughts with another artist.”

Tami’s eyes widened. “I can’t believe you just called me an artist. I’m hardly that good.”

“Nonsense,” Reese said with a smile. “Your work is excellent, and the great thing about art is that everyone’s talent is different. The minute you created your first painting or sketch and said to yourself that this was what you wanted to do, you became an artist!” She hugged Tami again, then wrapped her arm around Trent’s waist. “Have a great show.”

It had taken no thought to wrap her arm around Trent and snuggle against his warm, familiar body like she belonged there. Right now she felt like she did belong there. Being with Trent felt the best kind of right, even if it should feel wrong based on the problems they’d never been able to resolve.

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