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Tonight, I ventured towards her pile of books. Along with Shakespeare there were other classics. Her copy of Wuthering Heights was torn to pieces. Going through the small pile next to her bed, I learned that she still had several surprises up her sleeves. She was, undoubtedly, the most original and unordinary teenager I had ever met.

When dawn broke across the night sky, I decided I needed to leave before Charlie woke up.

Darting through the misty forest, I was whizzing past trees at a lethal speed. The air from the night was moving rapidly past me and my throat was still burning from her magnificent fragrance. I was thinking about hunting prior to Saturday so that I would be prepared before I was with her in the meadow... alone. Me and her delicate soul alone ?C no thoughts, no nosy vampires - just me and her in the riveting meadow. The monster was too tightly bound and needed a release. Just a small ounce of prevention ?C inadequate though I knew it would be.

When I arrived at home Alice was waiting for me, already in on the plan. Let's go this afternoon!She beamed at me.

Her eyes were twinkling and she couldn't suppress her radiant smile. I soon saw why she wanted to go hunting with me so badly. Her vision was clear; she would be introduced to Bella today. Even though the meeting would be quick and last a few seconds, she was elated.

"Is that the only reason you want to go hunting with me?" I raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

Of course not, silly! I don't want you to hurt her, Edward. Hunting before you see Bella is a great idea. You could use my company, too. I can tell it bothers you that you don't have the greatest self-control, and I am used to it with Jasper. I understand.

"Okay, but you better be good! Don't thrust yourself on Bella. I don't want to scare her off." I paused for a moment before adding, "even though she probably needs a good dose of fear." I frowned.

Alice just grinned widely and scampered off into the house as she sang joyfully in her mind about meeting her new best friend.

"I mean it!" I shouted.

I washed up, jumped into my Volvo and hurried back to Bella's, pulling into the driveway as soon as Charlie was gone. Bella ran out of the house quickly, and this time she didn't hesitate before she got into the car eagerly. Her hair was shiny and smelled like strawberries, a strong whiff of it hit me as she shut the car door. As soon as the door was shut, her aroma swam around my nose. I was beginning to enjoy her scent, embracing it instead of cringing away from it. No mistakes. As soon as I saw her smiling face and recognized that she was pleased to see me, too, I couldn't help but smile back at her, it was an automatic response.

"How did you sleep?" I asked. I knew she slept well. I kept watch over her all night. She didn't even speak. It must have been a dreamless night for her.

"Fine, how was your night?" She smiled wider.

"Pleasant." I was thinking about how Bella had another suitor she didn't want, Jacob Black. She said yes to me. I couldn't help but feel euphoric.

She looked at me and her eyes were so warm and inviting. Her hot, delicious breath surrounded me and I just wanted to tell her how much I loved her. Couldn't she tell? It must be obviously splayed across my face. I took in the air between us. Mouth-watering; there were no other words to describe it.

"Can I ask what you did?" she inquired with a smirk.

She wanted to know what I was doing last night. Did she really care what I did, or was she just being polite? No, she did think about me. She even thinks that her feelings for me overshadow my own. She couldn't comprehend the mere complexity of my love for her. She didn't realize how lucky I really was.

"No, today is still mine," I said.

She looked at me in disbelief and kitten outrage. Today I had a brand new list of questions to ask her. I asked her about Renee, her hobbies, and what the two of them did in their free time together. I wanted to know about her grandparents, even her school friends. Every thought I unlocked was like opening a door to a new world.

During our lunch break together, I remembered I wanted to know more about her past relationships; or not, actually, but I still had to know her complete story. My lips moved and freed the question before I gave them permission to do so. She looked embarrassed and I watched as her face went from her lovely white and slowly began to flush pink. The flood of blood up to her face made me bite down on my cheek. Her flush was utterly stunning, and delectable. My surprise kept the monster at bay as the realization of the fact that she had never chosen anyone before me hit.

Were we dating? Is that what this is called?It was hard to believe that she didn't have someone in the past. Every male she has come across has had to mentally remind themselves to put their tongues back in their mouths. They flock to her. Did she say no to every one of them, even before me? She said yes to me, I reminded myself.

"So, you never met anyone you wanted?" I asked.

"Not in Phoenix," she answered, blushing again.

What are you thinking? My lips pressed together into a hard line. I watched her across the cafeteria table as she took a bite of her bagel. Human food did look utterly disgusting.

What does Edward see in Bella? She isn't even pretty, Jessica glared at her.

I wanted to shield Bella from her thoughts, but at that moment I remembered my hunting trip. "I should have let you drive yourself today."

"Why?" she demanded. She looked confused.

"I'm leaving with Alice after lunch," I said

She blinked, "Oh." She looked disappointed and then said, "That's okay; it's not that far of a walk."

What? She couldn't be serious. After all this time did she not think of me as a gentleman? I would never make her walk. I was frowning. "I'm not going to make you walk home. We'll go get your truck and leave it here for you."

"I don't have my key with me," she sighed. "I really don't mind walking." She looked upset then.

What are you thinking now? This was getting exasperating. I shook my head.

I know where the key is, Edward, Alice's thoughts chimed in.

"Your truck will be here, and the key will be in the ignition ?C unless you're afraid someone might steal it." I laughed. Who would want to steal that truck? If someone did I would hunt them down.

"All right," she agreed. She pursed her lips like she was thinking hard and I could almost see a hint of a challenge. I smirked at the thought. Having a psychic as a little sister had its advantages.

"So where are you going?" she asked casually.

"Hunting," I answered grimly. "If I'm going to be alone with you tomorrow, I'm going to take whatever precautions I can."

Run, Bella, run! Stay, Bella, stay, I was pleading silently. I had to give Bella the choice. It had to be her choice, always. "You can always cancel, you know."

She looked down and I was frustrated because I couldn't see her face.

"No," she whispered and looked up at me again. "I can't."

She can't? I sighed mentally and realized that I couldn't cancel either. "Perhaps you're right."

She changed the subject, "What time will I see you tomorrow?" she asked.

She looked upset. Had I said something to upset her? Exasperating, not knowing her thoughts was purely frustrating. Did some god send this wonderful creature here to drive me mad? Hoping I hadn't upset her I answered, "That depends... it's Saturday, don't you want to sleep in?" I offered.

"No!" she answered quickly.

I almost felt my heart restart after 80 years of being still. She didn't want to sleep in because she wanted to be with me. I tried my best to suppress a smile so she wouldn't be able to tell how pleased this actually made me.

"The same time as usual, then," I decided.

Then I wondered about Charlie. She didn't tell him that she was going with me, I speculated how she was going to explain me showing up at her house, "Will Charlie be there?"

Her eyes grew tight and she said, "No, he's fishing tomorrow."

She seemed enormously pleased about something. I thought about taking her and never bringing her back. Stop! That fantasy, above all the rest, should be the one I would will myself to never think. Didn't she want me to bring her back? I was feeling frustrated and my voice came out a little sharper then I meant, "And if you don't come home, what will he think?"

She looked at me like she was prepared to answer this question, "I have no idea, he knows I've been meaning to do the laundry. Maybe he'll think I fell in the washer."

She was tempting me to seize her and run for it! I scowled at her and she attempted to be angry by scowling back. Just like always, she was just a vicious kitten. She scowled at me for a few more moments and then her expression changed. She looked thoughtful. What was she thinking now?

"What are you hunting tonight?" she inquired like she was asking me to pass the salt. It was so causal, like she was asking about the weather or what was on TV.

"Whatever we find in the park. We aren't going far." I mused.

"Why are you going with Alice?" she asked with obvious curiosity.

I considered this for a moment. She talked about my clandestine existence like it was normal. I mulled things over; how to tell her that it was Alice that was going because most of my family members were... un-approving of my newly found obsession with a human girl.

"She is the most... supportive." I frowned, thinking about her visions of vampire Bella.

You know it is because I am your favorite sister. Alice thought. Great, she was listening.

Bella looked up at me with her beautiful chocolate eyes, "And the others?" she asked apprehensively, "What are they?"

Pissed off that is what we are. Rosalie thought.

Emmet looked at Rosalie then and followed her stare. I try to rein her in bro, but she is feisty. That's Rosalie for ya. Emmett thought.

I wrinkled my brow and replied the best way I could without hurting her feelings, "Incredulous, for the most part."

I watched her gaze go from my face to over her shoulder. I watched my family with disbelief. They were staring off in different directions, acting like they weren't listening. I couldn't be so lucky.

"They don't like me," she guessed.

She wouldn't think that Edward if you would introduce us. You know Bella and I are going to be best friends. You know how much I love her. Alice mused.

"That's not it," I disagreed.

Liar, Rosalie thought.

"They don't understand why I can't leave you alone." I said.

Damn right I can't understand. She's a human. Rosalie thought with disgust.

It's true bro, I can't really understand the appeal, but if it makes you happy then I got your back. Emmett contemplated.

"Neither do I, for that matter." Bella added on top of the already massive amounts of thoughts coming from my family over this conversation.

I couldn't accept that she would consider something like that. Didn't she know that her beauty was one of a kind, inside and out? I've never meet a being quite like her before. I shook my head and rolled my eyes towards the ceiling, partially for her answer, and partially answering my family's thoughts. I looked back at Bella, "I told you ?C you don't see yourself clearly at all. You're not like anyone I've ever known. You fascinate me."

She glared at me with her furious kitten face again. I smiled at her face, "Having the advantages I do," I mused, touching my forehead, "I have a better than average grasp of human nature. People are predictable. But you... you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise."

She looked away then, and back at my family. She looked... embarrassed? Upset? I couldn't tell, "That part is easy enough to explain," I added. I wished she would look my direction, "But there's more... and it's not so easy to put into words-"

What the hell are you thinking of saying to her, Edward? Rosalie then turned and glared at Bella. What is so special about this girl? Huh? I don't see it. She is so breakable and human. You just keep her around because she smells like the greatest snack you'll ever have! Rosalie continued to give Bella a fierce look. If you take a bite out of her this will hurt our whole family, you know that!

I had it with her and I snarled under my breath.

Whatever, nitwit. Rosalie turned her head then.

Bella looked back at me then and I was relieved to see her face. She looked... frightened? Was that possible? Did Bella even know what fear was? I was going to have to give Rosalie a good scolding later.

"I'm sorry about that. She's just worried. You see... it's dangerous for more than just me if, after spending so much time with you so publicly..." I didn't want to finish my sentence. I was hoping she wouldn't ask to hear the rest, but of course, she would want to know.

