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“Your wife is a hacker. She has been all her teenage and adult life.”

“You’re being cute with words,” I said. “Lindsey was a sworn deputy in the Sheriff’s Office cybercrimes unit and then she was recruited by Homeland Security. What made her so valuable is that she’s a ‘good hacker,’ if you want to use the word. A knuckle-dragger going by some manual from Microsoft isn’t going to have that expertise.”

“That’s what made her so effective. She’s one of the best hackers we ever encountered.”

A coldness spread in my limbs as I wondered who this “we” was.

“Your wife’s time in Washington, D.C., was not what you believe, David. I hate to put it this way, but sometimes it’s better get the truth out there. She wasn’t faithful.”

“My marriage is not your business.”

“There were several instances where she strayed. I know it hurts, but my sources are golden. You need to know this.”

“Good-bye,” I said, but made no effort to leave the chair.

I knew Lindsey had played and strayed, knew it because I had found a confessional letter she intended to mail to me but never did—and then I had tucked it back in her things and never spoke of it. It had been a mad time for both of us. Her sister Robin had been alive then. If the sheriff was trying to mind-fuck me to do his bidding, this wouldn’t work.

He lowered his head. “She was unfaithful to the country, too.”

“What the hell are you saying?”

“You know about the F-35 fighter? It’s our most advanced jet. We’re fortunate that Luke Air Force Base was chosen as the primary training base.”

I looked him in the eyes.

“You’re giving me a chamber of commerce pitch,” I said.

“Unfortunately not.” He leaned in a few inches. “You may also know that China stole important information about it. An airplane we thought would give us a twenty-year advantage. Now the Chinese are incorporating its features into their advanced fighters, especially the Shenyang J-23. Try explaining that to the young men and women who will die in combat if push comes to shove in the South China Sea or over Taiwan…”

“This is a long damned way from being Maricopa County sheriff.” I tried to throttle down the anger in my voice and failed. “Running the jails humanely. Serving warrants. Dull job, but necessary.”

“Listen to what I’m telling you, David. The feds have reason to believe Lindsey actually helped the Chinese gain access to the F-35 designs. They know a man she was sleeping with did it and he is about to be indicted. They think she was involved, too.”

“She was working for Homeland Security!”

His voice was calm, the eyes sympathetic. “There’s so much you don’t know.”

“You’re accusing my wife of treason.” I couldn’t stop the heat from burning my cheeks. I tried to center myself by staring at the empty swimming pool, the water as flat as glass.

Melton said, “You can help her…”

“By working for you? I’ve said too much already. You’re probably wearing a wire. What I need to do is get the best lawyer in town and go to the papers.”

His shoulders hunched in tension.

I said, “If Lindsey did these things, why isn’t she in prison already?”

“Because federal investigations take time. There are open questions. But the White House is putting on pressure to go after leakers and spies, especially involving China. Listen to me, David. I can help you if you’ll help me.”

“Me, working an old DB case can somehow balance the scales of an active investigation of treason? Involving my wife?” I spat the words. It was not my best moment.

“This ‘dead body’ case, as you put it, is important to me. As for your wife, I can buy you some time. I know people, more than you realize, and they can work in her favor. That’s a guarantee. And maybe with that time and influence, Lindsey can…well, do whatever she needs to do.”

What the hell did he mean? Clear her name? Leave the country? Meet up with Peralta to split the diamonds?

“I want to know more about the accusations against Lindsey.”

“I can’t do that, David. I’m already out on a limb for you. Washington could come in with a National Security Letter. Do you know what that is?”

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