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“It was in his stomach,” continued Gardener. “Fitz thinks he was made to swallow it, because he found minute traces of Vaseline.”

“Christ,” said Sharp. “Someone really had it in for him.”

“Do we know which bank it’s from?”

“No,” replied Gardener. “But a good locksmith might tell us. So, we want one here tomorrow, and then a couple of you trying to locate which companies use that type of lock on their boxes. I don’t need to tell you that this is important. Whatever is in that deposit box may move this investigation by leaps and bounds.”

“Then again,” said Briggs, “it might be another puzzle in a long line.”

“Maybe you’re right, but either way we need to know. Even if it is another puzzle to solve, it might stop someone else from being killed.”

“Only if we solve it in time.”

Gardener addressed Sharp. “Colin, you said something about Barry Morrison’s flat and the stuff you’d found?”

“The main things were drugs and money.”

“I knew it,” said Reilly. “This is all about drugs.”


“Not much in the way of drugs, but plenty of bundles of cash, hidden all over the place.”

“Any idea what type of drugs?” asked Reilly.

“Not yet. It’s all in the exhibits room.”

“How much money are we talking?”

“A lot,” said Sharp.

“That explains his lifestyle,” said Gardener. “For that, he would certainly need a mobile. Anyone found that yet?”

Most of the team shook their heads.

“Okay. Someone make a start on the drugs tomorrow. Tell me how much we have, what it is, and the street value. Find out who else deals the stuff, and if there are any connections to Barry Morrison. Sean and I will go back and see Billy Morrison, see if he knows anything about this.”

“You’d better search his house and car lot as well,” said Briggs. “In fact, shut the place down until we’re finished with this whole thing.”

Gardener nodded his approval. “Colin, can you also try and trace phone details for Barry Morrison while you’re looking for Nicola Stapleton’s?”

Sharp nodded, writing it all down.

“Talking of the car lot,” said Gardener. “Have we interviewed all the drivers?”

The officers said they had. Each driver had confirmed Billy’s words: a workaholic, never socialized. Never seen with a woman. Distracted when he was talking to people. Fidgeted a lot. The only driver who co

uld not comment was Alan Sargent, because he hadn’t been with the company long enough, but it was Barry who gave him the job and kept him pretty busy.

“Do you think he was running the drugs operation from the lot?” Anderson asked Gardener.

“Wouldn’t surprise me. Sean said something earlier. He was in that cab office all night by himself, no one would see what he got up to.”

“The CCTV tapes might tell us something.”

“That’s a point,” said Gardener. “Have we seen those tapes yet?”

“No,” said Briggs. He rose from his chair. “In fact, I’ll go and set fire to someone’s arse right now. We should have had them back.”

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