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“What about the build?” Gardener asked.

“He’s not very tall,” said Sharp, “if you look closely he’s about the same height as the Evoque, which doesn’t make him tall.”

“He looks a bit chunky,” said Reilly.

“So,” said Gardener, “are we finally looking at Anthony Palmer?”

“I know who we’re not looking at,” said Bob Anderson.

Thornton said what Anderson was thinking. “Rosie Henshaw or Zoe Harrison.”

“Still doesn’t mean one or both are not involved in this,” said Briggs. “They might need the man for the heavy work.”

“The build suggests it’s the same person we saw in the chemical suit,” said Rawson.

“I’ll second that,” said Gardener. “Okay, Patrick, start it up again.”

The man in the uniform walked toward the Astra, alerting the two officers to his presence as he tapped on the passenger window of the car. Once the window was opened he leaned in and spoke to the officers.

“He’s very confident,” said Paul Benson, “look at him, he’s leaning into the car so he was obviously close enough to be recognised.”

Gardener jumped on it. “Have we spoken to those two? Surely we have a description.”

Colin Sharp consulted his notes, reading through what was said. “I’m afraid not. According to what they were saying his cap was very low down on his head and he was wearing a scarf. The lighting behind him made it hard to see his features clearly.”

“A scarf?”

“Yes, apparently he complained about how cold it was and the scarf was covering most of his face because he had a cold and he didn’t want to breathe all over those two.”

“Brilliant,” said Briggs. “He really has thought of everything.”

As the scene unfolded, the two constables were laughing and smiling with Superintendent Palmer. Finally, the constable leaned back, the car was started, and they pulled off.

The officer waited before opening the tailgate and removing the bundle. He placed it exactly where they had found James Henshaw. As he walked away there was no movement from that bundle. He glanced at the camera and nodded before jumping into the vehicle, turning it round and pulling off, out of picture.

“He knew the CCTV wouldn’t identify him,” said Gardener.

“Where did the vehicle go from there?” Reilly asked.

“Pretty much the same route as last time,” said Edwards, “but interestingly enough, the Evoque has pinged a camera today.”

“What time?”

“Around twelve thirty.”


> “The A658, Harrogate Road.”

“Going into Harrogate, or coming out?” asked Reilly.


“Interesting,” said Gardener, “the vehicle is on long-term hire to an address in Harrogate that doesn’t exist. The chances are that is exactly where our man is – Harrogate.”

Gardener turned to Gates and Longstaff. “Did either of you find out where and how the vehicle was paid for?”

“I spoke to Hertz. It was paid upfront, the Evoque is long term, a one-year lease.”
