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Nibbling kisses, each one like a tiny massage, arousing sensual response and emotional pain that held her in a strangling grip. Tears were moving down her face, and she didnt know why, couldnt stop them, and she hoped the mask would absorb them so the men wouldnt see them roll beyond it, down her chin.

Lucass large, fine-boned hand was on her other thigh. He slid his hands into the cuffs holding her spread open and made an adjustment that spread her even further apart, so she choked around the gag at the sensation of increased vulnerability. His hair brushed her leg, that soft, straight hair.

What do you put here? He tilted his head, just the tip of his nose brushing that sensitive pocket of bone

formed between the juncture of her thigh and her pussy. The heat of his breath tickled the fine hairs of her mound, and arousal made her feel as if there were a shimmer of electrons on her skin. The room became warmer, it seemed. It smells like baby powder, Matt, he said quietly.

Like she trims her pussy with a razor and soothes her skin with baby powder. And some lavender here.

Maybe lotion. I love the way women put different fragrances on themselves. He rubbed his nose against her clit deliberately, shooting sparks of sensation straight into her womb. His mouth was so close, so close to her. Shed never had a mando that to her, but shed watched the movie The Big Easy on one of her off nights. Savannah remembered Ellen Barkins sensuous expressions in the scene that implied Dennis Quaids Cajun character was doing what Lucas proximity suggested. Shed sat, still and motionless in the study, her pillow hugged up to her body, wondering if the scene accurately reflected what a mans skillful mouth could do between a womans thighs.

Like a flower garden, he said dreamily. Something different every time you inhale.

Without warning or hesitation, he put his mouth fully over her, his tongue delving deep within her. She surged forward, shocked by the heat of his lips and tongue, but of course with the bindings, she could go nowhere.

She could see nothing, and she found she wanted the anchor of Matts eyes, something to focus her, his reaction to Lucass servicing her with his mouth. Something that would help her keep resistance and basic lust to the forefront, but with her ability to speak removed, her eyes blinded by the mask, she could only face the reality of Lucass miraculous mouth and what it was unleashing within her.

He sucked on her clit, made appreciative, wet noises against her, and her hips responded, lifting and rising the infinitesimal amount permitted by the restraints, creating glorious friction, and she strengthened her efforts, following instinct to drive it to a pinnacle.

None of that now. It was Matts voice, Matts hand now on her back.

A more erotic stimulation she couldnt have anticipated, to have one mans mouth between her legs and anothers hands upon her. He did something with the waist strap and suddenly Lucas adjusted his position.

Motors hummed, and her knees left the table fully, perhaps a couple inches, so she couldnt move in a rhythm, only sit, helplessly squirming and gasping against the gag as Lucass mouth returned, his tongue delving deep within her pussy again, thrusting, rolling her clit, licking.

I can smell her, now, Jon spoke from the end of the table.

Same here. Peter responded directly in front of her. Shes got a sweet pussy, just as you said, Lucas.

I want her to come, Matt, Lucas said, lifting his mouth from her just a fraction.

She shook her head. No. No But hadnt she just wanted that? But no, not like this, not when everything was up to them.

I think shes refusing you, Lucas.

Matts cool voice came from the end of the table again. Make her come in the next two minutes. Despite her best attempts to resist. Mouth only.

Done, Lucas said softly, and moved in to close the deal.

She expected him to redouble his physical effort, had tensed and braced herself against it, and so was surprised when there was a pause, the noise of wheels. Hed taken a seat in a chair, pulled it up between

her legs. The fine hair over his temples brushed the inside of her thighs as he moved in close again.

You know He administered a tiny lick on her clit that made her shudder. Eating pussy is my very favorite thing to do with a woman. I love the smell, the taste, the feel of her thighs as she sits on my face.

I love squeezing her ass in my hands as I shove her hard against me, taking away her choice, pushing her into that pleasurable abyss. I love to listen to her scream as she falls. I love knowing when she falls to the bottom, it will be my arms there to catch her.

Well be here to catch you, he whispered huskily. All of us. Stop being so afraid. Dont you know how much you mean to Matt, to all of us?

She made a noise of forceful and furious protest against the gag.

Didnt sound flattering, Lucas. Ben spoke this time.

One minute, Jon warned.

More than I need, though nowhere close to how much I want.

Lucas put his mouth over her clit, sucking her back into the heat and wet. He began to lick her, strong, sure strokes, not too fast, pushing up against the volatile area, starting at the bottom, pushing up on it again, scoring her lightly with his teeth.

That bite and push again, as if pressuring that tight bud of flesh was like nudging a switch.

Things were happening inside her, things that defied description. A spiral of reaction that had strings drawing taut everywhere, her whole body starting to hold itself tight as if in some form of self-imposed paralysis. Her breath darted in and out through her nose, her teeth sinking into the ball. Something gathered, gathered, just out of reach. No, she couldnt reach for itcouldnt stop herself from lunging for it

Come for him, Savannah. Matt snapped out the order. Now. At my command.

The orgasm exploded from somewhere between Lucass mouth and her pussy and erupted through her.

Going over that pinnacle, her brain reversed its will. Instead of freezing her in place, now she was wriggling gracelessly, helplessly. In her suspended restraints, screaming against the gag, she made words that could only be heard in her own mind, shocking her.

Touch metouch me Never stop.

She wanted Matt. But he could not hear her wish with the gag, and what little mind she continued to control told her to be glad.

It wasnt just about the battle of wills. If she threw open the door to her heart, he could deny her. Leave her with her wishes echoing against the walls, empty and desolate, like a house where everything was gone, leaving only the harsh regret of memory. Like a child being told that little girls who ran to their Daddy to get hugs wouldnt amount to anything except a takeover acquisition for some man.

She felt suddenly like the men in the room were all weapons turned against her, the sword of Eden, turning in every direction, shining upon her weakness, her every shortcoming.

With so little sexual experience, she didnt know if this was normal, this flood of overpowering emotions that made her feel completely adrift on an unfamiliar ocean. Flailing, she tried to pull herself out of that darkness, onto the far more rational thought that this was similar to eating too much chocolate, or taking

one too many Valium to help her sleep. Those things made her body no longer in her control, subject to macabre dreams or frenetic nervous energy she could not rein in. It was a physical, chemical reaction. It said nothing about herself, who she was or what she truly wanted.

Lucas kept his nose and mouth pressed hard against her pussy, continuing to eat her out. Running his tongue over her clit, he dipped into the well between her legs, making a noise of pleasure at the taste of her come on those sensuous lips. His hair brushed her thighs, the planes of his face touching her as he continued the soft nibbles through the hard aftershocks. She bleated at each touch like a lost sheep, a sheep who in this moment had no doubt who the shepherd was who held her fate. She wanted to see Matt with the fervor of a dying wish, and her hand clutched into fists to keep from dropping that kerchief, from begging with her body what her mouth was thankfully prevented from saying.

No. She wasnt that far gone. This was a whole new situation, like the first time she handled opening a plant on her own. There would be some weak moments, some stumbling as she figured out her approach to get the upper hand with the players who didnt think she had the right to the upper hand.

There is no situation in life that cannot be explained by the same principles we use in business.Geoffreys voice resounded in her mind, hammering the point home. If a person is making you feel something you dont want to feel, take the reins away from them. If you can control yourself, you can control the situation, bring the tiller back to your hand. Keep your wits about you and wait for the opportunity.

Sound advice, though she was certain even her dispassionate father could not have predicted this situation. And somehow, hearing his voice in her head now, thinking of applying his logic to this situation, swept her with a desolation that made her wish to be free of them all, her father and these men and Matt, in her bed with the covers over her head. And then the most unnerving thought of all intruded on the image.

What if Matt were there, putting his knee on her bed, lying down on top of her covers, curving that powerful body around her? Scooping up the covers and her into the heat and warmth of him, providing a shelter that was simply that, a place to draw strength and sanctuary, demanding nothing she was not willing to give? Or take it a step furtheraccepting something shed always wanted to give but had been afraid to offer, mainly because no one had ever come right out and asked for her heart.

Get a grip, Savannah. Hes won the round, thats it. He wasnt proving anything except that she could enjoy oral sex, like any independent, healthy woman. What woman in her right mind wouldnt enjoy this, even if she had been dragged kicking and screaming to it?
