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He was setting up unions…

In his own shop?

Wheeler took a deep breath.

Then he said, “I’ve earmarked five hundred million dollars for a program that integrates Kids and Trails with Camp Trail Blazer. Integrates and expands. I’ve got a lot of ideas that’ll take so long to go over, I’ve gotta fly you to LA to discuss them. But right now, I also got my mind on other shit. So I need your ideas. I think with that kind of money, I don’t have to tell you that you should get creative. But I’ll give you the foundation. I want a focus on respect for each other and community, respect for nature, and respect for animals. I want things taught like how changing a natural ecosystem, like giving Phoenician homes green lawns when it’s a desert, affects the whole of the planet. What suburban sprawl means to wildlife, the end of natural predators, and the resultant proliferation of disease-spreading vermin. I want them to understand what they’re eating and how it gets to them, grass-fed and free-range versus farm factory and feedlots. I want an emphasis not only on executing, but also learning and education. I want a diversified staff, and I want a diversified experience. And that kind of money will easily endow, but I want a look to expansion even before we’ve started. Aggressive fundraising, awareness and outreach.”

He paused.

No one said dick.

Then he looked Judge right in the eye and said, “We all know, to make any kind of impact, we gotta take care of our kids. We’ll start here, in Arizona. But I want you to think global, Judge. And when we roll out, I’ll need you at the helm. Are you up for that?”

“Hell yes,” Judge replied immediately.

Wheeler grinned.

Judge returned it and didn’t miss Duncan, Harvey and Tom sharing their own.

Wheeler turned to Rix. “It’s my understanding you have an excruciatingly personal experience of the effects of climate change.”

“You could say that,” Rix drawled.

Wheeler’s lips twitched, and this time, Judge shared a glance with Duncan, who looked just as amused as Judge was.

Amused and appreciative.

Rix couldn’t hide, and he valued it when other people didn’t hide either.

“This is gonna be big, so it’s gonna need a team, but at the start, I want that team to be small, close-knit, with an already proven track record. Duncan says you kill it at what you do, but you’re wasted in this store. You need bigger challenges. Could you work for Judge, with him steering the ship?”

Judge would have preferred not to be sitting there when that question was aimed at Rix, but it seemed Wheeler took the no-bullshit, let’s-get-on-with-this approach to extremes.

“I’d need him to because I don’t know half the shit he does, but I can learn,” Rix replied.

Wheeler nodded and then to Alex, “Duncan says you’re exceptional and you being a member of this team invaluable. Are you interested?”

“Yes!” It was nearly an exclamation.

Wheeler smiled at her.

And Judge saw Rix had competition, because when he did, it looked like Alex would faint.

Then to the table, Wheeler said, “Tom’s considering a role as spokesperson. Depending on what we come up with, he might also lead the charge to get more celebrities involved and maybe add an athletic or activity element. I’ll speak for Tom to tell you that Sam Cooper saw Tom and Duncan’s piece and reached out. Tom shared with Sam that we’re looking at merging the two programs. And Sam made the approach to discuss the possibility of offering teamwork, athletic training and even some military aspects as an alternative program to grounding troubled kids who lean more to that than hikes, camping and riding the range. That’s further down the line.”

Judge said nothing, but even though some years ago Sampson Cooper’s football career was cut short by him retiring and joining the Army after his brother died in the service, he was not forgotten. Not even close.

Specifically because he cut short a promising and lucrative football career to serve in the United States military.

“What you need to know right now is that this will still be intimately attached to River Rain and Duncan will be buying in,” Wheeler continued. “As such, when that time comes, we’ll be negotiating titles and increased salaries through HR here at River Rain.”

Well, damn.

Judge again looked to Duncan.

Duncan had his eyes on Wheeler.

So he looked to Harvey.

Harvey was smiling so huge at him, his cheeks had to hurt.

Which was exactly how Judge felt inside.

“That’s it,” Wheeler continued. “Do we have a team?”

Judge shifted his gaze to Alex and Rix in turn.

He got nods from them both.

So to Wheeler, he said, “We’ve got a team.”

His eventual brother-in-law shot him another grin, then he gave Judge his first directive.

“I’m blinded by the white in here, man. First order of business, bring me some color.”

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