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Avelyn sighed and let her head fall on Max’s shoulder. Although she felt more tired than she had ever been in her life, she didn’t want to stand up just yet.

“And now begins the waiting game…” she said.


They didn’t have to wait long for the verdict. Avelyn and Max barely had enough time to get some fresh air, but it still felt like forever. Avelyn kept moving her weight from one foot to the other, thinking how much she wanted to lie down. One hour, at most, and they’d be free to go home. Or so she hoped. When they all gathered back into the courtroom, Avelyn could feel the same tension making the air almost unbreathable. Everyone sat down and waited for the Councilors to take their own places. They had already received and discussed the jury’s decision, so the only thing that was left was to make their own final decision public. Councilor Willamar was the one to speak.

“First of all, Jason Woodtail was found unanimously guilty. The sentence hearing will take place on September 11th.”

That was something to be expected, so no one was surprised. It was exactly why the Councilor had wanted to get it out of the way.

“Concerning Maxwell Blackmane, Alpha of Clan Blackmane, the decision is as follows: the jury and the Council have concluded that during the battle on the grounds of Alma Venus Boarding School, the clan took a self-defensive position. However, two times has Maxwell Blackmane failed to inform the Council about events that threatened the peace treaty: the first time, when he refused to turn in Sabine Miller after she had killed two humans, and the second time, when he didn’t announce the Council about her escape, thus offering her the opportunity to hurt both humans and shape-shifters. The Council of the six factions has decided to accept Maxwell Blackmane’s and Karl Blackmane’s resignations from their political positions. They will no longer serve as advisers for Councilor Dimitri Voinom. Court dismissed.”

Max, Karl, and Jocelyn could finally breathe normally. They nodded their heads in approval, although they couldn’t quite wrap their mind around the fact that they had gotten away with everything so easily. Avelyn was shocked too. Instead of relaxing, though, she furrowed her brows and wondered if there was any catch to it. People around them had started to stand up and walk towards the large doors, and the councilors themselves were getting ready to leave. She studied them carefully, trying to determine how they actually felt about it, and if the decision had been unanimous.

“He clearly said the Council of the six factions took the final decision concerning us,” she told Max. “This means the jury came to a different conclusion…”

“And they ignored it,” agreed Max. He offered her his arm and she took it. As they walked towards the door, he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “My guess is Councilors Calder Grimmr and Dimitri Voinom had a say in the matter.”

“Still… that would be two to four.”

“Maybe we have more friends than we thought we had.”

They stopped in the large hall to wait for Karl to join them. He was still talking with a wolf-shifter in the courtroom, probably a friend of his from London.

“I’ll wait for you in the car,” said Jocelyn.

“All right, we’ll be there in a minute.”

The three Betas, Caleb, Daniel, and Rosanna followed Jocelyn, eager to get out of the stuffy building. Max looked at Karl impatiently, but his brother ignored him.

“Maybe we should go too,” suggested Avelyn. “He’ll follow, eventually.”

“I want to discuss this with him. He and Councilor Voinom have always been pretty close.”

“Can’t it wait?” Avelyn was literally dreaming of sinking into the soft cushions of their car.

“One more minute, baby…”

Avelyn sighed and started studying the people around them. They were all in a hurry to go home or run to a restaurant for an early dinner. When she saw Councilor Arthur Harington approach them, she squeezed Max’s arm to get his attention. Max turned to see what was going on only to be met with the Councilor’s wide smile.

“Mr. and Mrs. Blackmane!” He shook hands with Max and kissed Avelyn’s hand. “I can’t tell you how glad I am this whole thing is over.”

“Thank you”, said Max, although he sounded a bit reluctant. He and Arthur Harington had never been too close, let alone friends.

The Councilor turned his attention to Avelyn, and she forced herself to smile as pleasantly as possible. She didn’t know what to think.

“I believe I never got the chance to congratulate you for your baby. I know this may sound… odd, but… I was thinking…” He hesitated a sec

ond more. “Of course, you might have already chosen a godfather for your child, but I would be eternally grateful if you considered me if you haven’t.”

“We haven’t…” answered Avelyn without thinking.

“Splendid!” The Councilor clapped his hands in excitement. “You see… since my son told me about… the incident, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and the small life you’re carrying inside you.”

Even though Arthur Harington kept smiling pleasantly, a chill went up Avelyn’s spine. He knew. James had told him. Why?

“I… I’m sorry, Mr. Harington,” said Max. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re referring to.”
