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“But of course you do!” He got closer to them, trying to shield their conversation from prying ears and eyes. However, with so many shape-shifters around them, he had to choose his words carefully. “James thought it would be better if I knew about this detail before the trial. Just in case it came up… I had to be prepared. I don’t necessarily agree with what he did, as he put me and our entire family in great danger, but now I’m glad he did it. I wish you two all the happiness in the world, truly. All I ask is for you to accept me as the godfather of your child. I give you my word that I will only make sure he or she grows healthy and strong.”

Avelyn thought for a moment, then looked up at Max, a question shining in her eyes. It would be the sensible thing to do… to allow Councilor Harington to keep an eye on their child. After all, they did owe the man so much. If it weren’t for him and his illegal cure for the werewolf venom, Avelyn wouldn’t be a hybrid now. She wouldn’t be pregnant either.

“Mr. Harington,” said Max finally. “I can’t think of a better person to be the godfather of my son. Thank you so much for what you have already done for me and my wife.”

They shook hands again, a sign they had just closed a deal.

“Please, Max, don’t mention it. I myself have to thank you for what you did for my daughter, Lily. I will never forget it.”

The Councilor gave them a quick wink, then excused himself, saying he had to go back to his colleagues.

“Three to three,” whispered Avelyn after Arthur Harington left. “There’s the friend we didn’t know we had.”

“Now, that’s what I call a surprise. At first, I thought we were screwed.”

“Still not enough, though… Grimmr, Voinom, Harington… There had to be at least one more member of the Council who supported us.”

“Not Willamar.”

“No… And it can’t have been Redfur, either. His own faction has just taken a huge blow.”

“That leaves Kwahu.”

“I could see that. But why?”

“No idea, my love… No idea…”

Karl finally decided to join them, and Max and Avelyn ended their conversation. It was better to leave it for later, when there wouldn’t be so many humans and shape-shifters around them.


Nikolas Blackmane

November 16th. The contractions started at 5 in the morning, and Max immediately called Dr. Stevens, who had been staying at a hotel in Dunkelstadt for a week now, so he’d be closer to the Schloss when the time came and Avelyn needed him. He had refused to accept a room in the castle, saying he wanted to see his time away from the hospital in London as a vacation and explore Dunkelstadt. Caleb took the car and brought the doctor up to Schloss Blackmane in less than an hour. The nurse was already there, since she had been paid to monitor her pregnancy and stay by her side at least until the baby was born.

Avelyn gave birth right before noon, naturally, easily, and without any complications. All members of the three packs were gathered in the huge dining room at the ground floor. They were incapable of focusing on anything else, so they had long given up trying to, and decided to just stick around and wait for the great news. They knew their main Alpha was going to have a son, and it was a moment of celebration for the entire Clan Blackmane. Finally, the first heir would be born.

When Avelyn heard her son’s first cry, she forgot all about the pain she had just gone through and started laughing.

“It’s a boy,” said Dr. Stevens, wrapping the baby up in a clean blanket.

“Let me see him…” whispered Avelyn. Max was still holding her hand, but his eyes were fixed on the small bundle in the doctor’s arms.

Dr. Stevens gave her the baby, and Avelyn held him gently, almost afraid to move. Max kissed her forehead.

“This is the best day of my life,” he said. “Thank you, my love.”

Avelyn smiled up at him, and he pecked her lips. Neither of them could take their eyes off the baby’s beautiful face and incredibly small hands. He was watching them curiously, his big, green eyes showing them there was a fair chance he was a little werewolf, and not a hybrid. Then, his little face scrunched up and he started crying with all his might, making Avelyn jump in surprise and call the doctor.

“Is… is he hungry? What should I do? I don’t know what to do…”

“Relax,” said Dr. Stevens, struggling not to laugh. “The little fellow is perfectly fine. Amanda will teach you how to feed him.”

Amanda was the nurse, and she immediately took a seat by Avelyn’s bed. “Here, let me help you…” She showed her how to hold the baby so that his small mouth would latch onto her nipple. Max decided that was the time to give his wife some space, and told her he’d go downstairs to tell everyone the news but he wouldn’t be long.

Needless to say they were all overjoyed.

“Congratulations, brother,” Karl punched his shoulder lightly. He didn’t do hugs, so that was the only way he knew how to express his excitement.
