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Max broke into a laugh. “Of course it would. This is not the most comfortable of positions.” He let go of her, and pulled his cock out gently. Avelyn dropped her legs to the floor and stood up, massaging her sore backside. She felt his seed run down her thighs and smiled at the dirty sensation. She loved it. She rose on her tiptoes and pecked his lips.

“We should take a shower.”

Max looked at her thoughtfully. Her dress was crumpled, her bra was still gathered under her breasts, pushing them up, and her hair was tangled. She was the most beauti

ful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

“Yes, let’s take a shower. Then, I have a surprise for you.”


Feeling the touch of the cool night air on her skin was like awaking from a deep, paralyzing slumber. Avelyn finally felt alive again. She stretched her arms above her head, and spun in place.

“This is amazing!” she told Max, who was a few steps behind her. She ran to the first beech tree, pressed her palms on its cold, wrinkled bark, laughed, and then ran to the next one. She ran from one tree to another and stopped in front of the first flower bed. The courtyard was huge, she could see it better now. Of course, the view from her window told her the same thing, but now that she was down here and could explore it with no one but Max around, its size made her feel small. The castle rose above her like an ancient guardian of the mountain.

“Can we go into the forest? Pleeeeease?”

“Sure,” he said smiling, and took her hand in his. He tried to warm her cold fingers, but she didn’t seem to mind the cold. She was wearing a light coat over her pullover and jeans. After they had taken a shower together and he had told her they were going out for a midnight stroll, she had been so excited that she didn’t have the patience to look for warmer clothes. She had thrown on the first things her hands had grabbed from the dressing room.

Avelyn allowed him to lead her through the tall gatehouse which was flanked by two stair towers, and they followed the path that led deep into the forest. He walked slowly enough for her to have time to steal a glance or two around her, but, to her chagrin, she couldn’t see much in the dark. Max’s private jet was on the short runway to the left side of the castle, on the second road which circled the entire structure and led to the city of Dunkelstadt. The lights were off and the runway was dark and quiet. They left it behind, started on the road to the right side of the Schloss, but after a minute, Max pulled her between the trees. The terrain was quite steep, so she grabbed his arm to keep her balance. Soon, they reached a glade, and Avelyn let go of his arm to explore her surroundings, breathe in the intense smell of pine, earth, and grass, and listen to the faint whisper of the trees, birds, and small animals. It was probably the first time she actually enjoyed being in the forest. After being trapped in a room for so many days, standing in the middle of the nature made her feel free and confident. Confident that one day, sooner rather than later, she’d claim her right of going wherever she liked, whenever she liked. Things were about to change. She could feel it in the night air.

“Do you like it?” asked Max.

“I love it! Damn, it’s so good to be out of that room!”

Max laughed. He was leaning with his back against a tree, watching her enthusiastic reactions to all the little, insignificant things which assaulted her senses. “No, I mean everything. Do you like the Schloss, the courtyard, the garden…?”

Avelyn turned to look at him. “Yes. It’s more than I could have ever wanted.”

“I’m glad. It’s your home now.”

Avelyn swallowed heavily and forced her smile to stay on her face. “I couldn’t ask for more.” She was truly happy to be out here. Ecstatic. But not because she liked the idea of spending the rest of her life in the middle of nowhere, even if the middle of nowhere was incredibly comfortable and luxurious. It was because she knew she was now free to move around and try to find a way out. Her home? No, her home wasn’t the Schloss. The cool, fresh air helped clear her mind, and she now realized the one week confinement had messed with her head. Because Max and Christine had been the only people she saw during this time, she had almost gotten used to them and the idea of being here. She saw everything clearly now. What was it called? The Stockholm Syndrome? The idea of sympathizing and, worse, falling in love with her captor was sad and insane. Avelyn liked to believe she had a better grip on reality.

“There’s another thing I want to show you, but only if you agree.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Don’t say ‘yes’ before I tell you. You never know what you might get yourself into,” he said jokingly.

That piqued Avelyn’s curiosity. “Okay… shoot.”

Max moved away from the tree and took a few steps towards her. “My wolf form… would you like to see it?”

Avelyn wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. It was true that since she got here she never had the occasion to see Max as a wolf. She had seen Caleb turn in front of her eyes in the forest behind Alma Venus, and she remembered how fascinating that had been. Then, she had ridden on his back and they reached the school in less than 15 minutes. She had lost her footing when she climbed off his back, and he supported her with his strong, long snout. She had spent long hours at the window, looking down in the courtyard, and she had seen many wolves playing, or going about their business, but she had never thought she’d like to see Max in his wolf form.

“Sure, I guess…”

“What happened tonight… I know it was your way of letting me know that you trust me and I can trust you. You’ve given yourself to me, but I haven’t completely given myself to you yet. I want you to see every part of me, including this one. I want you to… know the wolf.”

Avelyn walked closer to him and looked up in his eyes. She caressed his perfectly-trimmed beard, marveling at how soft it felt under her fingertips. “Yes, please. I want to see the wolf.”

Max turned his head to kiss her fingers, then stepped away and started taking his clothes off. Avelyn shuddered at the sight of him exposing his naked skin to the cold air and sharp wind. Her eyes took in his sculpted chest, traveled down his abs, his soft cock, and his strong thighs. He was undressing slowly, allowing her to admire his body. She knew he could move so fast that the only thing she’d have been able to see would be a blur of clothes and white, pale skin, so she appreciated his choice of moving at human pace. When he was completely naked, he straightened his back, and looked her in the eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile, then the first bone cracked in his body. Avelyn’s heart jumped at the sound. She willed her tense shoulders to relax. It didn’t hurt him. She was sure it didn’t hurt him.

Max’s back arched in a way that looked very painful to Avelyn, and he fell on his hands and knees. The bones in his legs and arms snapped, his face contracted in effort, and his features started to change. Black fur sprouted from his pores, and he was soon covered in a shiny black coat with bluish hues. The transformation didn’t last more than two minutes, but Avelyn had the impression that she saw everything in slow motion. She watched as each part of that amazing body trembled and convulsed, her heart beating wildly in a mixture of fear and excitement. Soon, she was standing in front of the biggest wolf she had ever seen. She realized that Caleb and Daniel were of rather average sizes. Max’s wolf body was massive, covered in long, black fur that glowed blue in the moonlight. His paws were almost as big as her head, and he was slightly taller than in his human form. The only thing that could tell her this was Max were his eyes, green and kind, watching her like the eyes of a puppy would watch its master. She took a tentative step towards him. Seeing that he didn’t step back, she got bolder, and approached the wolf.

“Incredible,” she whispered. “So majestic, so beautiful.” She touched his cold, wet nose, and giggled when Max nuzzled her palm. She rubbed his cheeks and marveled at how soft his fur was. She threaded her fingers through it, slowly, carefully, not sure if what she was doing was acceptable. After all, this was a werewolf, not some cute puppy she could pet as she liked. She reached his ears, and scratched them lightly, earning a satisfied sigh from him. “You like that?” The wolf shook its big head and growled in disapproval. Avelyn laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Hey, I can rub your belly, if you want.” She gave him a wink. Max stepped away and ruffled the fur on his back, making Avelyn laugh harder. When she could finally catch her breath, she started examining him closer, admiring his strong muscles and the way they flexed underneath his skin and fur when he moved. She circled him once, her hand touching his shoulder, pressing lightly against his ribs, rubbing his hip, and smoothing down the long hairs in his tail. That, he didn’t like. He immediately snapped his tail away from her and changed his position. “What?” said Avelyn, surprised. The wolf simply shook his head, and Avelyn made a note to self to ask him later what that did to him. Maybe it made him horny? He leaned on his forelegs, lowering his upper body to the ground, and she understood the message. “Just let me grab your clothes, and then we can go back to the Schloss.” She folded his jeans and pullover, wrapped them in his jacket along with his socks and boxers, and took his shoes in her other hand. She climbed on his back, careful not to drop anything. “Oh, please go slow, okay? Last time, Caleb ran so fast that I could barely breathe.” He looked at her over his shoulder, and blinked his eyes once. Avelyn guessed that meant “yes”. At Alma Venus, she had learned how to ride with a harness. A horse, that was. No one rode shape-shifters for pleasure. Riding on the back of a werewolf was very different, and rather scary. With Caleb, she had honestly feared for her life, but this time she was completely relaxed. She trusted Max now. She knew he would never do anything to put her in harm’s way. So, she enjoyed the ride to the Schloss, the cold wind in her hair, and the feel of Max’s powerful muscles moving between her legs as he walked.

