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That one man could be sweetly innocent and intensely erotic at the same time seemed impossible, and yet there Ricky was, writhing in pleasure underneath him.

“I’m the luckiest person in the world,” Morgan said, meaning every word. He added more slick to his fingers and then leaned down and kissed his mate as he slid a second finger into him.

“Alpha.” Ricky bucked his hips and spread his legs wider. “So full.”

“My dick is bigger than this.” Morgan panted against Ricky’s lips, moving his fingers in and out and twisting them. “If it’s too much, I can—”

“Not too much.” As if by instinct, Ricky began undulating his lower body, feet planted on the bed as he pushed toward Morgan’s hand. “It’s perfect.”

Perfect was his mate. “Omega,” Morgan rasped, his own arousal nearing its peak. “You’re incredible.” He smashed his mouth against Ricky’s, tugging on his lips and sucking on his tongue. “I’m lucky you’re mine.” When he was sure Ricky was as prepared as possible to take him, Morgan climbed between his legs and grasped his own erection. He fisted his shaft, spreading lube on it, and then dipped forward, supporting himself with one arm while he used the other to press his glans to Ricky’s pucker. “Yes,” he groaned as he sunk into tight, warm heat. “So right.” He looked down to watch himself disappear into heaven and caught sight of the crinkled skin on Ricky’s belly. The skin that blessed him with a son. His heart pounded and his chest ached with affection and gratitude. “Ricky.” When he bottomed out inside his mate, he caressed Ricky’s belly with his free hand, his wrist bumping against a rigid erection. “Gorgeous mate.”

“Oh,” Ricky gasped in surprise, his eyes widening. “That’s…” He licked his lips. “I…”

With Morgan rocking in and out of him, Ricky seemed to be struggling to complete a sentence. Morgan appreciated the compliment.

“Feel good, Omega?”

“Uh-huh.” Ricky rolled his head from side to side and pushed down against Morgan’s dick while arching his belly against Morgan’s hand. “Good. So good.”

“It is.” Morgan wrapped Ricky’s legs around his waist. “Keep them up here, okay?”

His eyes half-lidded and his mouth open, Ricky nodded.

“So good for me.” Morgan gently kissed Ricky’s reddened lips, placed his palms on either side of Ricky’s head to steady himself, and then pulled out and slammed back into his mate.

“Ah!” Ricky shouted.

Another retreat followed by an equally hard thrust inside and Ricky screamed as ejaculate sprayed from his shaft.

The sight of his mate at the height of pleasure was all it took to throw Morgan over the edge. He pushed as deep into Ricky’s body as possible and then grunted out his release. “Ungh.” His muscles shook and heart hammered. “Ungh.” The pleasure went on and on, and when Morgan was finally spent, his legs tingled and his vision was dark. He collapsed beside Ricky, immediately reached for him, and pulled him close. “Mate,” he whispered.

“Your mate,” Ricky agreed as he snuggled against Morgan.

“Mmm.” Morgan pressed his nose to Ricky’s hair and breathed him in. “Love your scent like this.” The floral notes were richer, enhanced by clean sweat. As his body calmed from the intense sexual experience and his mind cleared, Morgan slid his arm around Ricky’s waist and placed his palm on his lower stomach. “Did I notice correctly that you enjoy being touched here?” Morgan caressed Ricky’s birthing skin.

“Yes.” Ricky trembled. “It’s not something I knew about myself either, until you were doing it.”

“Yeah?” Apparently, Morgan’s ego was bigger than he realized because he puffed up in pride at the knowledge that he alone could bring Ricky that pleasure. “I like doing it.” He kept his touch to the sensitive skin light and soothing.

Ricky’s muscles loosened and he relaxed against Morgan. “I wonder how it’d feel if you touch me like this when I’m pregnant,” he mumbled tiredly, his words drawn out and quiet. “When the skin stretches, it’s sore, but it’s also more sensitive.”

Breath catching in his throat at that image, Morgan shivered. “I would love the chance to do that.” He nuzzled Ricky’s ear. “Absolutely love it.”

“Love,” Ricky whispered, his eyes closed and breath coming in slow, deep gusts. “Mate.”

Morgan gathered Ricky even closer. “Love mate.”

Chapter 11

“Good morning, Omega.” A warm palm brushed Ricky’s hair off his forehead before warm lips skated against his.

Rubbing his eyes, Ricky tried to get his bearings. Feeling warm, safe, and cherished, he had relaxed completely and fallen into a deep, peaceful sleep in his mate’s arms. Based on the light slipping into his squinted eyes, it was at least late morning.

“You’re so beautiful when you sleep, I hate to wake you, but someone misses his daddy.”

“Alex.” Ricky scrambled up and blinked his eyes open.

“Shh, it’s okay.” Morgan sat beside him, and Ricky realized their baby was in his arms, happily gumming his fist. “He’s clean and fed and I would have let you keep sleeping but this little one kept looking over at you, making it known he wanted his daddy.” He handed Alex to Ricky and then put his arm around Ricky’s shoulder while rubbing circles on Alex’s back. “I don’t think babies this age are usually able to communicate so clearly. He’s very advanced.”
