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Chuckling, Ricky scooted Alex higher and kissed his nose. “Do you hear that, Alex? Your father thinks you’re extra smart.”

“He is!” Morgan insisted.

“Uh-huh.” Ricky smiled up at his handsome mate. When their eyes met, he flashed back to the previous night when those same eyes had looked at him with passion and lust.

“What are you thinking of, beautiful?” Morgan traced Ricky’s lips with his finger. “Bet I can guess.”

“Maybe.” Ricky darted his tongue out to taste his mate’s skin. “I’ll show you tonight and you can tell me if you got it right.”

“Oh, I can absolutely promise you that I’ll get it right.”

Ricky loved that his Alpha was confident but not arrogant. “I know you can.” He rubbed his cheek against Morgan’s hand.

“How do you feel about spending a little more time with the pack today?”

A slight tightness snuck into his previously warm, relaxed chest.

“I know it isn’t easy, but your parents are here. Ray’s already downstairs and he’s your biggest supporter and I’m sure Lil isn’t going to be far behind. You aren’t alone.” Morgan wound his strong hand around Ricky’s nape. “And I’m here. I’ll keep you safe, Omega.”

The squeeze of his neck and Morgan’s solid, unwavering gaze soothed him. “That’s a good idea,” he said, meaning the words. He didn’t enjoy watching people’s discomfort around him, but even in the few hours he had spent with the some of the pack the previous day, Ricky had noticed them lowering their guard and relaxing. “I should take a shower first though.”

Morgan pressed his nose against Ricky’s neck. “You smell great to me.”

“After last night, I probably smell like sex and you.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Morgan licked him and inhaled. “Yes, you do.”

“Alpha.” Ricky laughed and nudged his shoulder against Morgan’s chest.

“What?” Morgan nipped his chin. “Okay, okay,” he said, clearly pretending to sound put out. “Let’s get you clean.” Morgan stood, and with his arm around Ricky’s back, helped him up. Not that he needed assistance.

“I didn’t realize showering was a group effort.”

“Well,” Morgan said as he steered them into the bathroom. “It definitely can be”—he gave Ricky a wicked grin, which predictably resulted in his cock warming—“but in this case, I’ll just be there to hold Alex.”

“You need to hold Alex in the bathroom?”

“Of course.” Morgan stepped over to the shower, turned it on, and then closed the door and walked to a cabinet at the end of the room. “He missed you.”

“And this has nothing to do with you wanting to be in here while I’m naked?”

“It has everything to do with me wanting to be here while you’re naked.” Morgan draped a towel on a hook, reached into the shower, and put his hand under the stream. “Water’s warm. You can get in.”

Happy all the way to his toes, Ricky gave Morgan their son and stepped under the spray.

“Daddy’s still here, Alex,” Morgan said.

Ricky hadn’t heard Alex fuss, so Morgan was probably being sweetly oversensitive, but in case their baby really was anxious, Ricky said, “There are a few songs he likes. I can sing to him if you really think he misses me.”

“Both of us would enjoy that.”

“My voice isn’t very good,” Ricky warned.

“It’s my very favorite sound in the world,” Morgan responded, sounding sincere.

His Alpha was the kindest, most genuine person Ricky had ever met. He made no mention of Ricky’s many mistakes, and instead, accepted him with open arms and showered him with affection and praise. And rather than being angry or frustrated at Ricky for getting pregnant without telling Morgan that was even a possibility, he was overjoyed at having a child. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ricky’s eyes filled with tears. He turned his face into the water, got himself under control, and then started singing nursery rhymes to his mate and his son.


The morning and afternoon had gone better than Ricky had expected. The Alpha house had been full, an ever-changing stream of shifters coming to eat or meet with Morgan or Lillian or to spend time with one another. Not all of them had spoken to Ricky directly, but he no longer received hostile looks. Having his parents there helped. They were kind and friendly and not at all intimidating, so the pack warmed to them easily and that translated into thawing around him.

Morgan had stayed by his side the entire time, even bringing him into the office for meetings. When Ricky quietly suggested that the pack members wanted to talk to the Alpha and wouldn’t feel comfortable with someone else there, Morgan reminded him that he was the Alpha’s mate, which meant he’d know everything Morgan would know about the pack. It seemed he was right because nobody blinked at Ricky’s presence in the room and they all treated him with respect.

The biggest benefit was getting to view his mate in his role with the pack. Morgan had told him he hadn’t wanted to be pack Alpha, but he was clearly suited to it. He was attentive, kind, and thoughtful, giving sound advice and showing compassion. And every person who talked with him hung on his every word and respected his advice.

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