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“Whitney!” Lexi runs to my girl and gives her a hug.

“Hey.” I stick my bottom lip out in a pout. “What about me?”

Lexi giggles and runs to give me a hug. I scoop her up in my arms and start to turn her upside down. Kinley stops me. “Aaron Mills, don’t you dare! I worked hard on getting her to sit still for those curls.”

Not wanting the wrath of my sister today, I kiss Lex on the cheek and set her back on her feet.

“Mom and Dad are right behind us,” Kinley says as there’s a knock at the door.

“Come in!” I yell out.

“Gimme,” Whit says to Evan, who is holding a squirming Walker. “Hello, sweet boy,” she coos at him. He grins and gives her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. She throws her head back and laughs. She’s gorgeous and I can’t take my eyes off her.

“You need one,” Evan says from beside me.

“I know it. I’m working on it, man. I’m working on it.”

He slaps me on the shoulder. “Good. I want our kids to grow up together.”

“You got a good head start.”

“I do, but I’m not done yet.”

“No?” I question.


“What does my sister think of that?”

“My wife is down with the idea.”

“Give me a few months, yeah?”

“That I can do, brother.”

“What are you two all secretive about over here?” Dad asks.

“Just taking in the view,” I tell him.

“It’s a mighty fine one, if I do say so myself. We done good, boys. We done real good.” Evan and I mumble our agreement.

“All right, let’s get this show on the road.” My sister claps her hands. Evan jumps into dad mode and takes Walker from Whit so she can grab the camera. “I was thinking we could do the four of us first,” she points to the kids and Evan. “Then I was hoping to get Mom and Dad and me and Aaron, then all of us together,” she rattles off.

“Sounds like a plan.” Whitney grabs her camera and her tripod. The one I suggested she use. I used the excuse that she would be able to shove her hands in her pockets to stay warm in between shots. She didn’t argue, for which I’m thankful.

I follow along behind my family and watch as Whitney and Kinley fall into their element. They discuss poses and angles and get lost in the moment. Once she and Evan and the kids are done, it’s time for Mom and Dad and me and Kinley. She does the same thing, her and Whit telling us to stand this way and that. We all do as we’re told.

“Got it.”

“Great, now all of us.” Evan brings the kids back over and Kinley starts arranging us. “Whit, you got a remote out here?” she asks.

I’m just about to ask what the hell she needs a remote for when Whit pulls out a string connected to the tripod that sure enough is attached to a tiny little black box that I assume is the remote.

“Perfect, get up here.” Kinley waves her over.

“Uh, no, that’s okay.”

“Whitney.” Kinley tries to use her mom voice.

“This is a family picture,” she explains.

“Right, so get your butt up here.”

“It’s okay.”

I feel around for the box I’ve been carrying for weeks, and I know now is the right time. I step off the porch and walk toward her.

“Don’t mess up her hair. She looks cute today,” Kinley calls out.

I reach for her hand as soon as I’m close enough. “You know she’s right. You’re a part of us now, so you should get in the picture.”

“Evan, just because we’re living together doesn’t mean I get to photobomb the family pictures. I’m good, promise. Now go back up there so we can get inside. The kids have been out here long enough.”

“You’re wrong, Whit,” I tell her. “We’re not just living together. We’re building a life together. Just like we built this house, our dream home. Not just mine, ours. You are going to have to get used to the fact that we are your family. It’s not just me who’s madly in love with you.” I point over my shoulder. “My family, they love you. You’re one of us.”

“But I—”

She stops midsentence when I drop to one knee. I hold the box out for her. “I love you. I’ve waited for you, the one woman who would own me, and now that I’ve found you, I don’t plan on ever letting you get away. Whitney, will you do me the incredible honor of being my wife?”

“Dammit, Aaron, now our makeup is going to be ruined,” Kinley says through laughing tears.

I look up at Whit and she’s wiping away her tears, laughing. A smile like I’ve never seen before lights up her face. “Yes.”

I slip the ring on her finger and kiss her. Breaking the kiss, I grab her in my arms and swing her around. Today, it’s official. She’s always been more than just my girlfriend. She’s now my fiancée, and one day soon—very soon, I hope—will be my wife. My everything. Someday in the future, again, soon hopefully, she will also gain the title of mother of my children.

“Get up there, you two. I’ll set the timer,” Kinley says, hugging us both.

We do as we’re told and get the same welcome from my parents and Evan. Lexi and Walker cheer and give out hugs, even though they don’t know the depth of the moment. That the most gorgeous woman on the planet just made it official.

She’s the one.

My one.

My Whitney.


I’m so happy for you. You found one of the good ones, and even more than that, you let him in. You opened your heart, and that’s all I ever wanted for you, for you to know what it’s like to have that kind of love in your life. You deserve nothing but happiness, Whit. Embrace it. Embrace this life with everything you have in you. Love hard and hold on tight. Give my future son-in-law a hug from me. I’m looking down at you and I’ve never been more proud.

All my love,

