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“Don’t act like you’re above it,” Ash said, “and remember: you owe me. I’m thinking I’d like a Porsche Spyder like yours. One with those fancy doors…”

I scoffed. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“Now you sound like Levi.”

“Don’t ever say that again.”

Ash shrugged. “If the Italian loafer fits…”

“I might break your nose next,” I said under my breath.

I called Lauren a little later. “We’ve positively identified one of the guards—he went out to get gas and go to the store. We’re one hundred percent certain this is the right place.”

She sucked in a deep breath. “Okay…so what’s next?”

“Right now, we’re watching them. Levi said that it might be easier to wait until the day of the closing to get Hannah.”

“Wait? Why would we wait—”

“Because it might be safer to get her from the car than the building. We don’t know who’s in there, or what the setup is,” I interrupted her gently. “We can intercept them on the way to San Francisco.”

She was quiet for a moment. “Okay…I guess I need to rely on your brothers’ judgment.”

“They know what they’re doing. They have a plan.”

“I want to be there. I won’t be able to stand it.”

“Let me talk to Levi about that. For now, you need to go through the motions. You need to be seen at work, getting everything ready.”

“Time’s moving too slowly.” Lauren groaned in frustration. “What about you? Are you coming home?”

“I’m going to stay here. They have a lot going on, and at least I feel like I’m doing something.”

“Must be nice,” she said.

“You’re playing the most important part—keeping Li Na on track. Have you heard anything else from her?”

“No. She’s probably getting ready to bask in the patch’s glory.”

“Just remember: this too shall pass.”

She groaned again. “Not fast enough.”


The next two days were excruciatingly slow. Most of the documents were finalized; we were just going back and forth on minor details. I instructed Bethany to work from home because Stephanie had convinced me to finally start packing my office. I did so listlessly, stopping every so often to examine old notes, trial results, and early sketches of the patch.

The only thing I left on my desk was Hannah’s graduation picture. It was the motivation I needed to keep going.

I didn’t accomplish enough, but I still went home early, anxious and eager for the next day. Even with a security team guarding the premises, the house seemed silent, lifeless, without Gabe and his brothers. I picked at Chinese takeout, then went to bed impossibly early. I just wanted it to be tomorrow. I just wanted Hannah.

I tossed and turned all night, then woke up at dawn, showered, and dressed in a black pantsuit. I got a text from Li Na as I finished my coffee. Looking forward to seeing you in person.

Wish I could say the same, I mentally typed back, but I kept myself from replying. I truly hoped I got the opportunity to tell Li Na to fuck off—if not today, then someday. She seriously needed to hear it.

I called Gabe. “I’m packed and ready for the closing. I’d like to come to the site now.”

“I don’t want you here.”

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