Page 58 of 4th & Girl

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Because of the overwhelming intensity pouring down around us, and the focus I’d been honing with a fine laser since we’d stepped out onto the field, I didn’t notice Gemma and Alma up in the stands until sometime during the fourth quarter when Cam had given me a nudge and pointed them out.

Apparently, according to him, they’d been raising enough hell together in the stands to get his attention. Considering I could barely hear myself think, let alone pick out two individuals without a strong reason in that mess, they must have been pretty fucking loud.

I’d given a quick jerk of a nod before getting back to focusing, but with the way Cam the puppy dog wouldn’t leave me alone as I finished putting all of my dirty shit in my bag after my shower, I’d say he hadn’t done the same.

“Come onnnn, dude. I want to meet them.”

He’d been relentless since even before the end of the game, and it’d been all I could do to tune him out and keep my head on the field. It was the first time Gemma had been there in the stands to see me play and the first time for my Nonna all season. Maybe it wasn’t a big deal to Cam to split his attention between them and football, but I’d known if I’d let myself go down their road for even a minute, I’d have been fucked and we might have lost.

And he’d be feeling a lot differently right now.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m almost ready. Why are you rushing me? Isn’t Lana around?”

He pouted. “No. She couldn’t come. She had to work.”

“So, I’m your toy?”

He shook his head laughingly. “Nope. But your girl and the old lady are. I cannot wait to meet them. You should have seen the shit they were doing in the stands. I thought your girl was going to take off her shirt if it took me much longer to spot them.”

I rolled my eyes. I might have freaked out if I believed him for even a second. But Gemma wasn’t the type to take off her top at a football game, desperate for attention or not. “Her name is Gemma. And the old lady is my aunt Alma.”

“Alma, huh?”

I laughed, warning, “You better watch her. Give her attitude, and she’ll have you eating shit for breakfast.”

He smiled hugely and laughed. “Feisty. I love it. It’s my favorite quality in a lady.”

“You have no idea,” I admitted. Hopefully, she would give Cam a run for his money and then some. It might be nice to see him suffer a little bit.

I’d yet to confront her about her sex toy business since Gemma had broken the news, and I didn’t think I ever would. Still, just knowing made all the sense in the world.

Nonna was one of a kind, and she didn’t take crap from anyone.

I couldn’t imagine sex toys had been widely accepted in her time, but if there was ever a woman not to give a fuck, it was her.

“All right,” I said, swinging my bag onto my shoulder. “I’m ready.”

My excitement to see the two of them was almost overwhelming, but I’d forced myself to keep it in check because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay with them. I never minded the rules of the team—you come as a team, you leave as a team—but I’d never had my two favorite people in the world come to an away game before.

Cam, on the other hand, didn’t try to contain his jubilation at all. He jumped up and down like a schoolgirl. “It’s about time.”

“Can you calm down?” I asked with a laugh. “If they meet you like this, they’re going to think you’re on speed.”

He shook his head and squinted. “You completely underestimate my power with the ladies, little Leo.”

“I don’t know. I’ve seen you struggle with charm.”

He scowled. “Bullshit.”

I laughed at how easily it was to fool him into insecurity. “Okay. I mean…Lana said… You know what? Never mind.”

His scowl deepened, and now, I was the one laughing. “What did she say?”


Properly put back in line and officially sporting a scowl, he followed me contritely out of the locker room and down the hall to the fan area, and it didn’t take long to spot Gemma and Alma.

Alma had somehow found a chair, and everyone around her was keeping clear. Apparently, she’d been showing off her personality.

Cam and I moved quickly, and I scooped Gemma into my arms and settled my lips on hers. She broke it off quickly, glancing to Alma, and I rolled my eyes.

Like my sex-toy-peddling aunt cared about us kissing.

Cam took the opportunity, however, to cut in.

“Hi, ladies. I’m Cam. Leo’s one and only best friend.”

I rolled my eyes as Gemma and Alma smiled.

“He’s a pain in my ass,” I said in response, and Alma smacked me.

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