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As soon as I walked back into the house from romping with the kids, I could feel the change of atmosphere in the house. Holt's family was always so upbeat. Now there was a somber feeling as I walked into the living room. I couldn't imagine what might have changed, but there had obviously been some bad news. I could feel by the way Jamie paused in the joke he was telling me and by how Brittany's hand tightened on mine that the children sensed it, too.

The adults in the room looked up with almost guilty faces at our arrival. Carol's face showed traces of tears, Callum stood stiffly by the window, Holt's mom was wrapped in his dad's arms, and I could hear her sniffling and him murmuring words in her ear.

I bent down to the twin's level and whispered, "What do you say I take you upstairs and help you guys get cleaned up, huh?"

As we turned, Carol called, "No, it's okay. I'll take them." She crossed the room and scooped Andrew into her arms and rubbed the twin's heads. "Thanks for the break, Maddy. I just need to spend some time with them right now."

I gave her a questioning glance, but she turned and hurried away.

I remained standing uncertainly in the doorway, not feeling welcome to join in what seemed like a family moment. Maybe I could go hang out in the kitchen.


Holt's soft call stopped me after I took two steps. I looked at him. His mouth was pulled tight, and lines of stress puckered between his eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" His eyes practically implored me.

Molly Andrews put a hand on Holt's arm as if she could stop him. "No, Holt. Stay. You should stay and be with family."

He hugged her. "I'm not running, Mom. I just need some time."

His mom looked between the two of us and seemed to change her mind. "Maybe you're right," she acknowledged softly.


Holt leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I'll be alright." His words seemed to satisfy her.

Cal finally left the window and pulled his younger brother in for a tight hug, finishing with a few back slaps. "You know we're here for you, little bro. I'm glad you finally told us." He shot me an odd look and left the room as well.

Chris Andrews gave Holt a similar hug but only nodded. They seemed to communicate with only a look.

What the hell was going on? It felt like the whole room was grieving, but nobody was saying anything, just giving me strange looks and raised eyebrows.

My heart lurched and my stomach dropped. Crap on a cracker! He must have told them about my time in prison despite his promise not to. That would explain the odd comments and worried expression when he called my name and seemed to want to get me out of the house, away from them. A cold feeling settled in my stomach. After all this time I'd finally given my trust to someone and within days, I'd been betrayed. Taking a deep breath for control, I managed to thank Mrs. Andrews for the delicious dinner and turned and walked out of the house.

Holt's truck was unlocked. When he came out minutes later and climbed in, I moved as close to the door as possible. I hated I was so dependent on him. I had nowhere else to go and no way to get there if I did. I was completely at his mercy.

He turned over the ignition and backed out of the driveway. "I'm sorry I rushed you out of there. You seemed to enjoy yourself today." I saw his apologetic glance reflected in the window.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to stare at the scenery as it blurred by, sitting so close to the door my breath fogged a small spot on the glass.

"Are you okay? Were the kids too rough on you?"


"Is there a reason I'm getting the silent treatment?"

More silence. Real mature, Maddy. But I didn't care.

We were miles down the road and almost home when he finally spoke. “Look. I know we need to talk, but you got all closed mouthed last night. I tried again today, but we kept getting interrupted, and then some things came up with my family. I hate this awkwardness between us."

Was he trying to blame me?! Whirling to face him, I snapped, "Oh, things definitely got awkward." I used my fingers as quotes around the last word. "Everyone was so nice to me in the morning, and by this afternoon, they either avoided me or gave me weird looks. I can only think of one reason why it changed."

His brow furrowed as he glanced sideways at me. "What do you mean?"

“You must have told them about the time I spent in prison. Carol couldn't wait to get her kids away from me after we came inside."
