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I ventured inside. My eyes adjusted to the darkness after the bright sun.

“You just yelled clear like I’m another agent.”

“Sorry, force of habit.”

I shoved my hands in my front pockets. I saw the tractor and the tools on the workbench. It looked like I had found it yesterday.

“You need to see this, Syd. Prepare yourself,” he cautioned. “I don’t think it’s something I can keep from you.”

AJ stood in the corner. He stepped to the side as I walked closer.

“What is it?” I asked.

I gawked when I saw the sleeping bag on the floor. There was a pillow at one end. “Th-that wasn’t here yesterday.” I covered my mouth with my hands. “I know it wasn’t. I’m positive.”

“He must have doubled back when I chased him in the woods. He spent the night here last night out of the storm. There’s no sign of him now.” AJ kicked over an open can of soup.

“I’m going to be sick.”

AJ grabbed me as a stumbled backward. “I’ve got you.”

“He was here? The whole time?” I could barely put the thoughts together. AJ held my elbow, steadying me until the dizziness passed. “Was it Jack? Do you think it’s him? Is he the one doing this to me?”

AJ shook his head. “I don’t know, babe. But I need to get you out of here.”

I trembled. “Please. Let’s go.”

He pointed behind where the door had swung open. “I think I’ve found our ride out of here.”

I looked at him. “A dirt bike? I’m sure that wasn’t here yesterday either.” I saw the mound of fresh mud under the tires and knew it was what he had used to come and go from the property. The thunder and wind had masked the sound.

“All the gauges and parts are exposed. No explosives on this ride. What do you think? There’s half a tank of gas. I think we can at least make it into town where we get cell reception.”

I nodded. “All right. Let’s try it.”

AJ rolled the dirt bike out from behind the door and into the sun. We stopped by my car and tucked my recorder in his bag.


“You’re going to need to wear the pack.”

“Ok. It’s not that heavy.”

He fastened it around my shoulders and hopped on the bike.

I threw my leg over the seat and climbed behind AJ. I wrapped my arms around his chest. I was careful not to hold on too tightly, but as he cranked up the bike I felt like we were both holding on for our lives.

Chapter Fourteen

I stared at the cup of coffee in front of me. My hair was wrapped in a towel and I wore a white robe from the hotel.

AJ was on the phone with his boss, a woman named Heidi. He had mentioned her in the airport hangar after the kidnapping. I assumed she was senior level.

I listened while he talked. The shower had felt luxurious. Running water combined with steam was something I wouldn’t take for granted for a while.

He smiled and nodded at me before turning toward the windows. It was AJ’s idea to take an Uber to New Orleans once we reached a gas station. It was the opposite direction of where I thought we were headed, but there was an FBI field office in the city. He wanted immediate protection for me. He said we weren’t taking any more chances.

I understood the deeper message. I wasn’t the one making the decisions. He was in control as long as someone was after me.
