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There was an officer in the hall outside our suite and I knew of at least two plain clothes agents that were roaming the lobby and halls. The Ritz-Carlton seemed safe to me, but I had learned this week that nothing was as it seemed.

AJ tossed his phone on the dresser.

“That was my boss. She wants us to stay until we can have a full escort back to D.C.”

My eyes popped. “Stay in New Orleans? But why?”

He sat on the bed next to me. “Two units are headed to the farmhouse now. One forensic team is going to gather everything they can about the map and the evidence we found in the barn. And the other one is taking bomb tech to analyze our cars.”

“Oh.” I frowned. “And then what?”

“Agent Canson is running the Flight 552 hijacking. He wants to fly down tomorrow and debrief you immediately. He told Heidi you’re a flight risk.”


AJ scowled. “Just go along with it. Ok? But this web has gotten more tangled. Canson needs to talk to you about the flight. And the units here are going to want to know everything about the farmhouse. You arrived at the scene before I did.”

“But you saw what it looked like,” I argued. “You were there. I didn’t even break into the house. That was you.”

“It doesn’t matter. We’re going to be in New Orleans for a while. You’re the center of two open investigations.”

I considered what he said. “But you won’t leave?”

“No. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Because of Project Compass,” I stated. “That’s why they’re letting you stay.”

“Yes. They want you on the team. I think you’re in too deep to turn away.”

“Or is that just what everyone wants me to think?”

He shook his head. “What does that mean?”

“I was fine. I was happy. None of this insane shit was happening to me until Project Compass.” I shoved off the bed.

“That’s not true.” AJ eyed me. “I told you on the flight someone has been trailing you. And everything we found in the farmhouse proves that. I don’t even want to say the fucking word.”

“What word?”

His jaw clenched. “It’s a stalker, Syd. Everything points to that.”

My stomach rolled with nausea. “Oh my God.” I sat down again. “The emails,” I whispered.

“What emails?”

“I haven’t had a chance to tell you. Everything keeps happening so quickly. And more things are piling on top of each other. I feel like we’re drowning in all this.”

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t made the connection before. When would I finally learn that none of this could be coincidence? I felt like a puppet on the end of a string, pulling me further and further into the dark. And AJ was following me.

I buried my head in my hands. A ragged gasp shook my body.

“Take a big breath and start at the beginning.” AJ’s voice brought me back to reality. “There’s an agent at the door. We’ll order room service. We’ll stay all night. Ok? It’s time for you to tell me everything”

I nodded.

“Besides,” he cracked a smile. “You can’t run this time even if you want to.”

I felt a smile creep onto my face in spite of everything. I playfully shoved his chest.
