Page 147 of Double Daddy Trouble

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Dylan almost dropped me.

“What the fuck?” he shouted. “Who the fuck, are you?”

My mouth dropped. I knew I was staring at a ghost. I never thought I’d see that face again. It couldn’t be possible, could it?

His lips curled into a smile. He pushed his sandy brown hair out of his eyes.

“Hey sis. Catch you at a bad time?”




I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. After an awkward as hell introduction Vanessa and I left her brother downstairs while we put on some clothes.

She raced around the room. It didn’t look like she could put together an outfit if she wanted to.

“Here.” I shoved a Warriors T-shirt in her hand. “Put this on.”

She was in shock.

I rummaged through her drawers and grabbed a pair of running shorts. “And these.”

She was in a trance getting dressed.

I pulled up my jeans, fastening them as I tugged on a white shirt.

“When was the last time you saw him?” I asked.

She used the pool towel to dry her hair. “Eight years?” She looked at me.


“I don’t know why he’s here. I don’t get it.”

She paced in front of the door.

“Let’s go find out.” I held her hand.

“What if he wants the team?” I saw the panic in her eyes. “What if that’s why he’s here?”

I shook my head. “That’s not going to happen.”

She was frozen in the doorway. I couldn’t get her to cross the threshold. “You don’t know that. I don’t know that. I don’t know him anymore.”

“I get that I’m not the first man people turn to for advice, but I’ll tell you something Isaac has always said.”

“What’s that?” She looked hopeful.

“Nothing happens if you don’t make it happen.”

I saw the cute little crinkle in her forehead. “That’s the advice?”

“Yeah. It means get your ass downstairs and find out what your brother is doing here. You know we’ll take care of you darlin’. Isaac will be home tomorrow, and we’re not going to let anything happen to you.”

She seemed to accept my approach for now. She squeezed my hand harder than usual as we walked down the stairs together.
