Page 170 of Double Daddy Trouble

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My head was spinning. My mind couldn’t comprehend how everything could drastically change in one day. I wanted to curl up in my own bed and never come away. Looking at that little girl in front of me, I knew I couldn’t. No matter how much I wanted to crumble, I had to keep my head clear just for her.

I took a steadying breath.

I gave a little start when a knock came at my door.

I checked Emma one last time to make sure it didn’t wake her. Getting up, I went to open the door. I was speechless to see the man standing before me.

“Jules, we need to seriously talk.”


I was struggling to keep my temper. The longer I thought about it, however, the more and more I was sure that Julie had something she was keeping from me. I was boiling over with rage. How could she have a child, my child, and not so much as tell me?

I may have gone to another country, but it wasn’t like I was on another planet. I mean, Julie saw my father as her doctor. She had ample opportunity to tell me she was pregnant and just chose not to.

I didn’t wait to be invited. Instead, I stormed right into the room.

“Come on in,” she said sarcastically as I paced back and forth like a caged animal.

“Is there something you want, Hawk, or are you just here to stomp around,” she said crossing her arms in front of her.

“You damn well know why I am here,” I stopped and pointed a finger at her.

I took a deep breath. I needed to cool down before I lost my temper.

“Just,” I said pinching the arch of my nose, “just tell me the truth. I saw your little girls paperwork, and I couldn’t help but notice…” I trailed off.

Hell, I may have seen more blood and gore then the average without even a flinch, but asking Julie if that was my daughter was more then I had courage for.

“I don’t know what you think you saw in her paperwork, but I don’t know what you are talking about,” she retorted folding her arms.

“Like hell, you don’t know!” I spat.

“Shhh!” She said quickly.

Looking behind her, I saw the little girl fast asleep on the couch. Seeing that sleeping child, I knew now more then ever she had to be my child. Maybe I just saw something I hoped was there.

“You know what I am asking Jules,” I said now just above a whisper. “Is she…is she mine?” I finally managed to get out.

She stood back a little shocked like she didn’t believe I would actually ask. She looked back at the little girl again as if weight her options. Finally, she grabbed my wrist and tugged at me.

“Come on,” she said pulling me towards the back of the apartment. “I don't need you waking her up.”

We walked silently down the hall and into a room. One quick look around told me it was hers. Not only did it have a queen bed with a simplistic white comforter, but it was also a disheveled mess.

I raised an eyebrow at her as I looked around. The dresser was covered entirely in trinkets, folded clothes not yet put away, and various papers. On the floor was a massive pile of laundry. The bed was unmade, and shoes laid scattered everywhere.

I may have changed in the last six years, but from the looks of Julie’s room, she was exactly the same. I coughed a little to hid a laugh.

“What? Something you want to say?” She said arching her own thin brow in my direction.

She shoved some shoes under her bed and pulled up the comforter over it.

“Nothing at all. It’s just good to see your still the same.”

“I’m not the same,” she said in a harsh tone. “You think I would just stay here frozen in time waiting for you to come back. Life moves on, and so did I.”

I couldn’t help but feel my heart sink a little. I really couldn’t blame her for moving passed me, but at the same time, I couldn’t honestly say the same.
