Page 182 of Double Daddy Trouble

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He let me loose and my hands when immediately to tangle in his hair. I encouraged him to take more of me. Leaning over, he pushed aside my other bra cup and took my other nipple in his mouth.

I only half felt his hand unsnapping my shorts and his fingers finding their way in. In an instant, I could feel the warmth of his touch on my most delicate spots, and it was maddening.

He dipped his fingers deep inside me and continued to pulse them as he sucked on one nipple and then the other.

I could feel the rise building deep inside of me. It had been so long since I had done this I honestly was surprised my body remember how. Under Hawks touch, my body had no chance of fighting the rising orgasm building in me.

“Come on Jules,” he moaned against my breast. “You know you want to cum for me. Cum for me baby,” he whispered in his husky voice.

It was so much sensation my mind was spinning. I could feel Hawk slip his fingers deeper and deeper inside me; now moving slickly against my arousal. He reached forward with his thumb and with one quick thrust combine with his rubbing mensuration I called his name.

I woke up startled on the couch. I was bewildered, my body was pulsing with unfinished arousal, and I wasn’t entirely sure if I had actually said Hawk's name out loud.

I sat up and waited for my body to stop tingling. Even in dream form, Hawk was a force to be reckoned with.

I laid back down on the couch while I replayed the dream in my head. Even after all these years, after being left to raise our child alone, I still hadn’t gotten over him.

My mind wandered to that image of Hawk and Emma laying in her bed. It was one of those picturesque moments that you want to remember forever of a perfect family.

I closed my eyes and saw it again. Hawk was sitting on the bed, looking all together cramped in such a small space, with one arm resting behind his head. Little Emma was peacefully sleeping with her head on his belly. She looked so safe and secure in her father's care.

The stupid girl inside me had always wished for Hawk to come back. She hoped he would come banging down the door and sweeping her off her feet. That wasn’t real life, however. I was an idiot to listen to that stupid girl inside my head.

On the other hand, however, he had made a pretty significant gesture once finding out that Emma was, in fact, his daughter. And then there was that kiss before he left.

I rubbed my fingers over my lips trying to remember it perfectly.

Even if things never worked out for Hawk and me, at least I could make sure Emma had her dad in her life. If we gave it a go and it didn’t work out, I knew he would still be man enough to be a father to Emma.

I was somewhat sure, too, that if I didn’t at least try to see whatever was still between Hawk and me through, I would regret it for the rest of my life.


I was hoping it was only because it was Monday, but it was turning out to be an extremely long day. I had kept my distance from Julie and Emma all day Sunday.

I text her at lunch to make sure that Emma was feeling better and instead I was told that she wasn’t. I planned on stopping by tonight, maybe bring over some dinner.

I wasn’t exactly sure how welcome I would be after how we left things on Saturday. It was easy to see that the heat was still there for the both of us, but then she had put on the breaks.

I worried I might have moved to fast too soon. I really hoped I didn’t ruin everything.

“Last patient’s yours,” Dad said taking off his white coat and hanging it on the hook.

"Do you have plans or something tonight?” I asked surprised to see Dad ducking out so early.

“Not really, just handing over the rains like you asked. Figured you could do the last of the paperwork for the night.”

“Yeah and maybe start moving it off of the desk,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Hey, Dad, “ I called before he left the office. “Did you know? I mean you had to of known, so why didn’t you tell me?”

I hadn’t said anything to him about going to visit Julie, having her in the office, or the fact that I now knew Emma was my daughter. I had a feeling he knew all along.

“Of course I knew. Why do you think I had you see Emma on Friday?”

“So, why the hell didn’t you tell me?” I said throwing down a folder on the desk.

“It’s not like she ever came out and said it. I may be losing my memory, but I’m not an idiot. I was pretty sure when she was pregnant, and after the little girl was born…she looks just like your mom,” he added softly.
