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He nodded. “Anything you want. Anything at all.”

She smiled. Tonight, she would have the men of her dreams all to herself.

“But first, we have to get ready for the wedding,” he reminded her.

She frowned. She’d have to wait, but it would be worth it.



It was hard not to stand at the alter next to Jack and look out into the crowd for Lily. She wanted to sit at the back of the church. He understood, but it sure made it hard to see her. He wanted to see her soft eyes. He wanted to study her face. She looked stunning today.

Jack elbowed him in the ribs.

“Stop staring at her,” he whispered. “Arnie’s getting married.”

“Right,” he answered.

Sawyer pivoted and pretended to pay attention to the ceremony. Arnie was marrying a girl from Miami. Someone he had met on a business trip to Mexico. They didn’t know much about her, except that she had a huge family and that tonight was going to be an extravagant party. Everyone was just going through the motions at the church to get to the reception.

Ben was another groomsman. Rachel hadn’t been able to travel. She contracted food poisoning the night before their flight.

Sawyer and Jack waited for the minister to declare the couple married, before they each escorted a bridesmaid out of the church. This would be one wedding when they wouldn’t be getting anyone in the wedding party laid. Tonight was all about Lily and what she wanted.

He just hated they couldn’t spend the entire night at the vineyard.

Once they were outside, Jack leaned over. “How long do you think we have to hang at the reception?”

Lily was standing near a tree behind the photographer while the wedding party lined up for pictures. Arnie lifted his bride in his arms and everyone cheered while pictures were snapped.

Sawyer shrugged. “I wish we could skip the whole thing. But I don’t think Arnie would appreciate it.”

“Probably not.”

They grinned for another shot.

“I say after they cut the cake it should be safe.”

Jack groaned. “No. We have to tie condoms to the car. Remember?”

“Oh shit.” He chuckled. “At least we don’t have to use those anymore.”

Jack laughed. “Good point.”

They had focused on making sure Lily was happy, and tonight they would give her all the happiness they could.

She waved behind the tree and smiled. Sawyer felt his chest tighten. He had fallen harder and faster for her than any woman.

They jogged down the concrete steps when the photographer released them. Lily walked up to them. She straightened Sawyer’s tie.

“There.” She grinned. “That’s better.”

“And mine?” Jack asked.

She giggled. “It looks good.”

He kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, baby.”
