Page 59 of Keeping Score

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Julie was nestled on the couch.

“How did it go?” I asked.

She muted the TV to face me. “I think ok. I wish you had been here.”

“I know. It’s going to be like this until the Super Bowl.”

She sighed. “He ate dinner,” she reported. “And took a bath. And he is sleeping in his new pajamas.”

I sat next to her, dragging her into my arms. “And what about you? How were you handling this all by yourself?”

She twisted those gorgeous lips together. “I think I did ok.”

“I bet you did.” I squeezed her ass until she sighed with pleasure. “Let me take you to bed.”

“I want that, but what if we wake him up? Or what if he wakes up and needs us and we don’t hear him?”

My eyes traveled up the stairs. His door was open.

“Here’s how this is going to go. We’re going to take care of that kid up there, but once the lights go down that’s when we take care of each other. Understand?”

She nodded.

“That’s the agreement. The rules stay the same.”

“Ok,” she whispered.

“Good. I have a plan for tonight—I think it might get a little loud.” I winked at her.

“And are you going to fill me in on that?”

I ran my thumb over her bottom lip, pressing it into her mouth. She sucked against it and I felt my cock harden.

“Baby, you’re going to love what I have planned for you.”

I saw her chest rise. “Tell me.”

“What fun would that be?” I smirked. “Now go to my closet and take off your clothes.”

“Your closet?”

“Thought it might be a little more sound proof.”

“Ohh.” She slowly stood from the couch, but I saw the way her lips twitched.

It took everything in me not to pull her back into my arms, but I had a surprise for her. Something I couldn’t wait to try with her. Something that made my cock ache.

I gave her a few minutes before I walked into the bedroom. I locked the door behind me. I couldn’t take any chances in case the kid did wake up.

I pulled the T-shirt over my head and shirked the jeans from my legs before stepping into the closet. I could hear Julie’s quiet breath filling the space.

My lips touched the side of her face, just below my left eye. I rested there for a second before lifting and repeating the gesture to the right side.

She sighed and I tilted her chin upward, crashing my lips on hers. Her arms flew around my shoulders and I lowered her to the floor. Her body was soft and silky under mine as my hands explored every inch of her skin with hungry possession.

“I like this surprise.” She breathed.

“Oh, I haven’t even shown you what it is yet.”
