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What do you do on a rainy day?

MG: We both get depressed. Neither of us can stand overcast days.

If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you want for company?

MG: Katherine, of course.

KA: He is so well-trained. I’d like a slightly younger Sean Connery.

MG: Oh, well, if we’re going that way, then I’d want Sofia Vergara. Take that.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?

KA: I’d like to go back to China. We adopted our daughter from China.

MG: Yeah, and I missed out on that trip since I stayed with our son. But, absolutely China, Japan, I’ve never been to the Far East.

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

MG: Well, we’ve been together for thirty-four years. I know that will make people roll their eyes, but that’s the biggest.

KA: Then, the kids.

MG: Then, our careers.

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