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“Why wouldn’t you let him fuck you? He’s a good-looking guy.”

Dmitri looked at me steadily. “You know what you don’t want to do when you’re dating the undeniably dangerous leader of one of the most powerful crime families in the western U.S.? You don’t want to give them control.”

“But a cop you seduced on a public street, that guy you gave control,” I grinned.

“Not just any cop,” he said, and curled up in my arms. “The one I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with within two minutes of meeting him.”

“Two whole minutes? Damn, I thought I was better than that.”

“It took you much longer to fall for me,” he said with a smile. “It even involved an act of public indecency on a city sidewalk to reel you in.”

I smiled too and said, “I never intended to fall for you. That was totally off plan.”

“As were you. And thank God for that, because my original plan sucked.”

I kissed Dmitri awake the next morning, and went down on him while he was still groggy. “Jamie,” he murmured, “How do you feel? You should be taking it easy.”

I released him from my mouth and said, “I’m fine. And I am taking it easy,” before sucking his cock again.

“Are you sure you’re ok? We should take you to your doctor’s office today, make sure there aren’t any lingering injuries from last night.” He moaned then and ground out, “Oh God.”

I looked up at him with a grin and took his cock in my hand. “I really am fine. And what I need now is to claim my fiancé in every way possible. And I have a couple ideas on that subject.”

A little tremor of pleasure went through him. “What did you have in mind?”

I stroked him as I said, “First of all, I need to put you over my knees and spank you, long and hard.” He gasped as his eyes slid shut. “We’ve teased each other around that for days, but we’ve never actually done it. I think it’s time.”

“Oh God yes.”

“But that’s just phase one.”

“What’s phase two?”

“Well, that depends. Where do you stand on the issue of unprotected sex?”

His eyes opened and he looked at me gravely. “I’ve never had unprotected sex. Literally never. I’ve never trusted anyone enough to really believe them when they told me they were clean. In this case,” he said, raising himself up on his elbows, “I trust you, of course. But it’s me that poses a potential risk to you.”

“Do you really think you pose a risk?”

“Well, no. I actually know I don’t. I’m clean, I’m tested regularly, and I’ve never had unprotected sex. But why on earth would you take my word for any of that? You know I’ve slept with hund—um, lots of guys.”

“Hundreds?” I said, raising an eyebrow. Then I smiled at him. “That’s impressive. Ok, so for phase two, I want to fuck you without a condom between us.”

He looked stunned. “You really trust me that much?”

“With my life, baby.”

He sat up and took my face in his hands. “I will never do anything to betray that trust, Jamie. I swear it.”

“I know that, Dmitri.” I grinned at him mischievously as I swung my legs off the side of the bed. “Now come and lay across my lap, sweetheart, so I can give you what you need.”

His entire body shuddered with desire as he quickly complied. I rested one hand at the nape of his neck while I ran my other hand over his back and his gorgeous little butt, caressing his silky, flawless skin. And then I brought my hand down with an experimental slap. The yell that tore from him was intense, primal. I brought my hand down again, harder this time, then again and again. He went wild, bucking, moaning, as I continued to spank him, his hard cock pressed against my thighs, his hips thrusting. After a few more blows he begged urgently, “Please Jamie, fuck me.”

I reached for the lube in the nightstand and worked him open, then swung him onto his back on the mattress. I knelt between his legs as I lubed my cock, stroking myself as I watched him. He was flushed and excited and radiant, his hard cock straining against his stomach as he parted his legs wide for me. I fell forward and pushed into him, bare skin against bare skin, our bodies joining. “Oh God,” he gasped. “God Jamie, yes.” I began to fuck him, carefully at first. But he begged, “Take me hard. Please, Jamie.”

I thrust into him forcefully, my body slapping against his as I pumped his tight hole and we both moaned and lost ourselves to the pleasure. My bruised ribs complained a little, but I ignored the discomfort. What was happening was too wonderful, too important to let anything interrupt. And after a few minutes I told him, “Baby, I’m going to cum in you.”
