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Feeling emboldened by his words, I kick off the covers and stand from the bed.

“The fuck?” Samson shouts, nearly choking on his tongue. “Where are your clothes?”

“I thought you’d like to see my pajamas too.” I glance down at my tank top and sleep shorts. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Samson swallows roughly. “I can see your nipples.”


“Stella.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I swear to God.”

“Chill. It’s not like I’m naked.”

“You may as well be.”

Giggling, I take a small step toward him. “I think you’re being a little dramatic.”

“And I think I’m about two seconds away from breaking every rule I’ve made surrounding you.” His eyes move over my body in a way that makes my entire body feel warm.

“Do it,” I whisper, knowing good and well I’m playing with fire.

“Stella.” He grips the door frame on each side, his upper body leaning ever so slightly over the threshold. “As much as I love seeing you like this, I need you to get dressed for me, okay?”

I pout. “Fine, but only on one condition.”

“Anything—you name it.”

“You kiss me again.”

Samson groans.

“Those are my terms. If you don’t like them…”

“I like them just fine.” Samson takes a step back. “Maybe a little too much.”

“We’re all alone.” My lips lift into a saucy grin. “You could come in here and show me how much?” I’ve been testing his boundaries lately, but it always ends the same way…

“Not until you’re eighteen.”

Only three-hundred-and-sixty-five more days to go.

“That’s dumb, Samson.”

He cocks his head to the side and stares at me, his eyes never leaving mine. “Is it? Is it dumb?”

I nod, after all—it’s my birthday and I can be a brat if I want to.

“I think it’s pretty damn smart.” He licks his lips. “Do you have any idea the things I’d like to do to you in that big bed of yours? Me not coming into your room is about more than respecting your dad—it’s about resisting temptation.”

“I tempt you?”

“You know you do.”

“Fine.” I’m torn somewhere between wanting to see how far I can push him and respecting his boundaries.

I know it’s only because he cares about me—because he respects me—but he makes me feel all of these things I don’t always understand, and every now and then, the reassurance that I affect him just as much as he does me is nice.

“That’s right, Luna.” He pinches his eyes shut and mutters something to himself before addressing me. “I need you to hear me when I say I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. But I want more than just your body. I want your mind, your smiles, your words, your thoughts.”


“I want your minutes and your hours. I want your days, months, and years. Your whole future, Luna… it’s mine. Which is why I can wait. We have forever.”

“You really mean that?” I ask, my lip quivering.

He nods and before I can think better of it, I rush him and fling myself into his arms.

“Whoa.” He stumbles a little as he catches me, one arm around my middle and the other supporting my ass.

I wrap my legs around his waist and nuzzle my face against his. “Kiss me.”

He resists at first, but then his entire body softens against mine as he licks his way into my mouth.

Our tongues touch, sliding together, and it’s like time itself ceases to exist.

There’s only us. We’re reduced down to atoms… molecules… two burning specs of lust and need.

I tunnel my fingers into his hair and shift my hips against his, gasping when I feel the hard press of his erection against my belly.

“Samson,” I moan his name, a whole deluge of foreign feelings pouring through me, turning my blood to lava in my veins. “I… I feel…”

“Shh, Luna. I’ve got you.” He reclaims my lips, moving his mouth over mine while sliding me up and down over his rock-hard dick, like our very existence depends on what happens next.

My breaths come in sharp, gasping pants, until finally, I fall apart in his arms.

“Whoa,” I whisper in a daze as Samson sets me down on my feet. He grins when I sway a little before steadying myself on the banister.

“Was that your first orgasm?” he asks, an awestruck look in his eyes.

“I… um.” I glance away from him and mumble the rest of my reply to my feet. “I told you I wanted to save all of my firsts for you.”

As fast as lightning, Samson reaches out and grasps my chin, softly forcing my gaze up to his. “I’m going to be more than just your first, Luna—I’m going to be your only.”

Chills sweep over me as a smile turns up my lips. “Yes, please.”

Samson grins, looking all too pleased with himself. Which is surprising; I thought for sure he’d feel guilty and lecture me on making better choices.
