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“Yes, sir. We were,” Matt claimed proudly. That had been years ago, before the CIA, but he was still a Marine through and through.

Jena shook her head. “Let’s go the inexpensive route first.”

“Don’t worry about the bill,” Sean told her. “This is on TBK’s dime. We need to get to Destiny as soon as possible.”

“Listen to your boyfriend, miss. You’ve got just under two hundred thousand on this car of yours. The holes I spotted are from bullets, aren’t they? Fresh, too.”

“What if they are?” Matt asked, never caring to be interrogated by anyone. The guy was likely harmless, but one never knew.

“Sorry,” Floyd said. “I can be too nosy for my own good sometimes. Besides the holes, this baby is in the best condition I’ve ever seen for a car of its age and mileage, but even so, it has the same fuel pump the factory put in. Everything wears out. Take a look at this old man.” He pointed to his chest and smiled. Then he patted White Ghost. “I’ll give you back your girl tomorrow and she’ll be running like the showroom darlin’ she is.”

“Tomorrow?” She shook her head. “We need it today.”

“Can’t. Besides, all three of you look like you could use some sleep. My cousin has a motel just outside of town. I’ll take you there myself.”

“That’ll be great,” Matt said. He was tired and so were Jena and Sean. “A little rest would be nice. But we haven’t had dinner yet. Any recommendations for that?”

Jena laughed and turned to Sean. “Does he always think about food?”

“Pretty much.”

Matt didn’t correct them, though looking at Jena had awakened a completely different kind of hunger inside him.

Chapter Four

Jena walked into the motel room with Matt and Sean behind her. There was just one motel in Idaho Springs. Since there was a big convention in Denver, just thirty miles away, every room in the tiny town was booked save this one. She was going to have to share it with Matt and Sean, and that was making her nervous despite their promise to sleep.

“We’re lucky to get anything,” Matt said. “It’s nice, don’t you think?

“I do,” she answered. Thankfully, the room did come with two double beds and a sofa sleeper. She’d get her own bed and the guys would have their individual spaces, too.

“Jena, you can have the first shower,” Sean said.

A shower would be nice, but she had a problem. “I don’t have any clean clothes. I didn’t see a laundry room. Did you two?”

“I didn’t and I’m betting they don’t have one, either,” Sean answered. “I guess we’ll have to wash our clothes in the sink.”

“What am I going to wear in the mean time?” She looked around the room. “I’m pretty sure the Anchor Inn doesn’t provide robes either.”

Matt grabbed the cover off one of the beds. In a single fluid motion, he removed the top sheet and handed it to her. “Wrap yourself up in this, gorgeous.”

“I guess it’ll have to do. Are you sure it’s okay for me to go first?”

“Absolutely,” Sean answered.

“What about you guys?” she asked. “What are you going to do?”

“The towels will work for us,” Matt told her.

“Okay, you got a deal.” She headed to the bathroom, shut the door, and locked it.

She stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt so good on her skin. She grabbed the little plastic bottle of shampoo with conditioner and washed her hair.

Thank goodness my hair has good body so I won’t need to curl it.

“Why do I really care what I look like?” Of course you care, Jena. Those two are sexy Texas men. Her makeup was in her purse, which made her feel a little better.

Continuing to clean her body, she wondered what Matt and Sean were talking about. She could hear their voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Were they talking about her?
