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Sean grabbed her hand. “Honey, just because he left Chicago doesn’t mean he knows where Kimmie and your mom are. He could be anywhere.”

“And remember, Dylan and Black are on the horn with operatives in New Mexico,” Matt said. “They should be at your mom’s place soon. Just hold on, baby. Hold on.”

“I’m trying,” she told them. “But this is the hardest thing I’ve ever faced.”

“We’re with you.” Sean squeezed her fingers gently. “Everything is going to be okay.”

Like Joshua had told them, they landed a little over an hour later. A car was waiting for them. Sean and Matt threw their luggage in the trunk.

She grabbed her phone and was about to dial her mom when it rang. Hope swelled inside her. Only one person had this number. “Mom, are you and Kimmie okay?”

“Hi, Jena.” A voice that filled her with dread came through the speaker. “It’s been a long time.”

How had Kip Lunceford gotten this number? She should’ve ditched the burner phone a long time ago. She didn’t have time for this. “What do you want?”

“Just letting you know that your Kimmie is safe for now.”

Her heart jumped up into her throat. “If you did anything to my baby or my mom I swear—”

“Don’t, Jena. You have no power here. I do, and I’ve always found a father’s love for his little girl to be special.”

Her blood turned to ice in her veins. “I will kill you!” she screamed.

The connection was lost.

Matt grabbed the phone from her, and Sean pulled her into his body.

“What, baby?” Matt asked.

“That was Kip. He sent Carl to my house to get Kimmie.”

Without a word, they got in the car. Sean hit the gas.

Please, God, please. Let me get to my baby before he does. Let her be safe.

* * * *

With her heart pounding faster than ever before, Jena rushed into the tiny rental house. Matt and Sean had their guns drawn, as did she. Please, God. Please. “Kimmie! Mom!”

Seeing the shambles the living space was in filled her with dread.

She peered into the tiny kitchen. Nothing.

Shaking, she went down the hall to Kimmie’s room.

Her daughter wasn’t there. The pit of her stomach twisted into a sick knot.

Please, God.

She moved to her mother’s room with Matt and Sean. Empty.

Losing hope, she went to the bathroom, the only place left in the house.

The door was shut.

She opened it and saw her mother on the floor bleeding. Her eyes were closed.

She fell to the ground. “Mom?”
