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“I love you, Mom,” she whispered again.

* * * *

As the early morning sun filtered in through the windows of the hospital room, Jena saw her mom’s eyes open and a weak smile appeared on her face. “Mom, oh, Mom, I was so worried about you.”

“Don’t waste your time on fretting, sweetheart, your mom is a lot stronger than you think. I’m just a little roughed up, but you should see the other guy.” Her mom giggled.

Jena could tell her mother was still coming out of the morphine the doctor had given her for pain. “Always with the jokes. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too, my wonderful daughter. How in the world did you get here so fast and how did you know I was in trouble?” Her mom’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, where is Kimmie?”

“I’m right here, Grandma.”

“Oh, my sweet angel, come here and give Grandma a big kiss.”

“What in the world is this contraption, Jena?” She pushed the morphine pump.

“That’s your pain medication, Mom.”

“Oh my God, I just pushed it.”

“It’s okay. It won’t give it to you unless it’s time for another dose.”

“I don’t need it. I’m perfectly fine.”

“That’s because you used it during the night to keep you comfortable.”

“You mean I used it?”

“Yes. I know you probably don’t remember it, but you did.” Jena squeezed her mother’s hand. “Everything is fine and wonderful, Mom, but I need to fill you in and there is something very important I’ve got to tell you.”

Matt came in with the coffee and saw Jena’s mom awake and looking much better. “Hi, Mrs. Taylor. I’m Matt. I guess you’ve already met Sean?”

“Not exactly, young man, but I did notice him holding my granddaughter. As good looking as you both are, if I hadn’t seen Kimmie and Jena, I would have thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

They all laughed. Jena could see the result of that last pump of morphine on her mother’s face.

“Hey, Sean, why don’t we take Kimmie to the cafeteria and see if they have ice cream?”

“Sounds like a good idea to me. What do think, Kimmie?”

“Yes, sir, I like ice cream.”

“Then let’s go so we can give your mom and grandma time to catch up.”

Jena was so proud of her men. They had already started bonding with Kimmie. You could see it on their faces. What amazing dads they will be.

Jena watched as the door closed behind them. “Mom, I’m so glad you’re better. It’s going to take time to heal and I’m sure you’ll need therapy on those wrists, but, before long you’ll be good as new.”

“Now, Jena, I think it’s time for you to tell me everything that transpired since you found me. You were the one to find me, right?”

Jena told her mom every single detail of the past events, including Carl’s demise. Her mother thought it was sad that Carl never learned his lesson before it was too late, but was very glad they didn’t have to be worried anymore.

“Now, young lady, what is this important news you want to tell me? I have a feeling it has something to do with those two good-looking men I just met.”

“You are so observant, aren’t you?”

“I may have black eyes, but I can see very well how you look at each other. Now fill me in on all the exciting details.”
