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Her shoulders sagged. “I guess I’m just a bit jumpy,” she said, taking a sip of wine.

“Understandable.” He put the phone to his ear. “Hello.”

“We got a hit on your stalker issue, Jason,” Brown said. “We know who he is.”

Chapter Eleven

Lucas bolted past Jason, who had opened Phoebe’s front door for him. “Where is she?”

“Getting dressed in her bedroom.” With only a towel around his waist, Jason held a phone to his ear. “She’s fine. Go see for yourself.”

Lucas found her sitting on her bed in a robe. “Baby, are you all right?”

“I’m okay.” Phoebe’s trembling hands told him she was nervous.

He put his arms around her and held her tightly. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart. I’m sure Jason has a plan started already. We’ll have this guy before you know it. In the meantime, we will be by your side at all times.”

“I got here as fast as I could.” Mitchell’s words came from the other room, as did Jason’s.

“She’s with Lucas in the bedroom, Mitch.”

He and Phoebe met Mitchell in the hallway.

She wrapped her arms around Mitchell. “All three of you are here. For me.” Her voice shook.

The three of them returned to the living room where Jason was now dressed

and still on the phone.

Lucas wondered who was on the other end of the call.

“I’ll let you know what I find out in Clover tomorrow.” Jason clicked off his phone. “I’ve got news. That was Mr. Black’s replacement, Agent Brown. I asked her to help me on the stalker issue.”

“Bringing in the CIA is a good thing.” The serious tone in Mitchell’s voice was unusual, but given what was going on was about Phoebe, it was not unexpected. “What did she say?”

Jason stepped in front of Phoebe. “Turns out that Andy McCrae is your stalker.”

“I can’t believe it.” She shook her head. “He might be strange, but I actually feel better knowing it’s him. Andy couldn’t harm a fly.”

“How does Brown know it’s him?” Lucas still thought the SOB needed to have his face pounded into the ground. Any man who harassed women deserved that and much more. McCrae hadn’t stalked just any woman. He’d stalked Phoebe.

“You’ve heard about what the Feds can do with phone records. Dylan had run all of the calls Phoebe had received through his channels. Nothing. Brown stepped it up several notches. She’s got quite the pull. We got a hit. One of the calls came from a burner phone that McCrae purchased with his credit card.”

Mitchell snorted. “Not too smart.”

“Criminals always screw up in the end.” Jason touched Phoebe’s cheek.

“What an idiot.” Lucas remembered how the TBK tech appeared around town. He looked more like a deadbeat loser, with his long stringy hair that always seemed in need of shampoo, than a brilliant engineer.

“I doubt he was expecting the CIA to get involved.” Jason patted his gun, which was holstered to his side. He meant business, deadly business. “Besides, all the other cells McCrae bought weren’t purchased with credit cards.”

Mitchell nodded. “It’s good for our team that the bastard finally slipped up then.”

Jason continued. “Brown hit all the databases at the Agency. More credit card transactions popped up. McCrae has been in and out of the county for weeks, mainly staying at the motel in Clover.”

Phoebe sighed but her trembling had stopped. She was strong and brave. “That’s only ten miles from Destiny.”

Mitchell turned to Lucas. “No wonder the fucker knew to call you and me when we came to her house.”
