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“He’s a tech. Getting our numbers would be simple for him.” Lucas held Phoebe’s hand and squeezed. “The rat must’ve been skulking around town and scurrying back to Clover for cover when necessary.”

She looked directly at Jason. “I thought Andy was in California at his new job.”

“McCrae hasn’t been to work in a couple of months,” he told them. Phoebe shrugged, clearly still having trouble accepting that Andy McCrae was behind all the calls.

Lucas pulled her in tight. “It’s almost over, baby.”

“I know, but it is so strange to finally know who my stalker is. I need to call Corey and Shane.”

Jason handed his cell to her. “Use mine.”

All of Lucas’s and his brothers’ focus was on getting the fucker. Once the creep was dealt with, then they could move on to building a life together with Phoebe.

“I’ll put him on speaker, in case he has some questions for you, Jason.”

“Hello,” Corey answered.

“Corey, it’s Phoebe. Good news. The Wolfes have found out who my stalker is.”

“I just found out, too. Andrew McCrae. I’m in my car and headed that way.”

“Is Shane with you, Corey?” Phoebe’s concern for Shane was never far from her thoughts.

“No. I tried to call him but he didn’t answer.”

Lucas saw Jason’s face darken with frustration and Phoebe’s tighten with worry. They were jumping the gun. Shane could be anywhere, but with Jason’s ever by-the-book way of doing things and Phoebe’s overwhelming sisterly love, Lucas understood why.

“You know our brother, sis.” Corey’s voice held all the years of frustration and worry that the entire Blue family had for Shane. “He’s probably with some girl.”

Corey’s idea of where his brother might be didn’t seem to change Phoebe’s demeanor one bit. She was still concerned about Shane. Given all that had happened three years ago, Lucas, too, was worried. By the looks on Jason’s and Mitchell’s faces, he knew they felt the same way. But that was something to deal with later.

Right now, they had a stalker to take down. “Corey, how soon will you be here?”

“Almost there, I’m just around the corner. See you in sixty seconds.”

The call ended.

“Once Corey gets here, me and my brothers will head to Clover, baby.” Jason touched her cheek. She nodded. It was good to see that they’d gotten past the old hurts. “Not only is he your brother, but he is a US marshal, so I trust him to protect you.”

“Me, too,” Mitchell agreed. “If that fucker is there, he’ll be sleeping and we can get the jump on him.”

“Lucas and Mitchell, please raise your right hand,” Jason instructed.

Mitchell’s eyebrows rose up. “What for?”

“I need to deputize you both before we leave.”

Lucas nodded. This was one time he was on board with Jason’s by-the-book way of doing things.

Time to take down the motherfucker.

* * * *

Phoebe dialed Shane’s number again. Still, no answer. “Where could he be, Corey?”

“You know how he is, sis.” Corey sat next to her on the sofa.

She was so glad Corey was with her. He and Shane were the best brothers a girl could have. She never doubted they would do anything for her. But of the two, Corey was solid as a rock. Before the drug conviction, she would’ve sworn Shane was the same. “I’m worried sick about him and about the Wolfes.”
