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Phoebe wondered what the guy’s motive had been. “Will you keep me informed if you find out anything?”

“Certainly, Ms. Blue.” Jenkins leaned forward in his chair. “I just want you to know that Braxton is a very reputable company and we intend to pay all of your expenses, plus pay for all the hours that you put into this case.”

“That’s very kind of you, Mr. Jenkins. After my investigation, I knew your company was very prestigious. I also have known Mrs. Steele for many years and knew how credible she is. That’s why none of this case made any sense to me.”

“I’m glad we could clear this all up before going to trial.”

“You know we would have won.” Phoebe grinned and stood, offering her hand.

“I know your reputation, too.” He shook her hand. “Like I said, I’m very glad we didn’t have to face you in court. It would’ve been quite the battle.”

Walker and Hayes rose, each shaking her hand. They turned their attention back to Ashley. They held Ashley’s hand a little longer than was proper etiquette. Phoebe could see that there was definitely chemistry between Ashley and the two men.

After Jenkins and his two associates left, Lucas and Mitchell entered the conference room.

“Ready to head back to Destiny?” Mitchell asked.

Ashley smiled. “Not before shopping and some dinner. Our flight doesn’t leave until ten tonight. Sitting at O’Hare for hours isn’t my idea of a good time. Besides, Phoebe and I have a tradition of visiting the Magnificent Mile whenever we are in Chicago. I think she could use the distraction, don’t you two?”

“I’m not sure I’m up for shopping, Ash.” Actually, she knew she wasn’t. She hated that their flight was so late in the day. “I could certainly use something to eat.”

Hayes stepped back into the conference room. “Excuse me. Might I borrow Ms. Vaughn for a moment?”

Phoebe smiled, seeing the light in the man’s blue eyes. “Certainly.”

Ash’s cheeks brightened to a lovely shade of pink. She followed him out into the lobby.

Mitchell grinned. “Looks like there might be a love connection happening.”

Suddenly, Walker returned, nearly shoving Hayes to the side, jealousy written all over his face.

“Oh boy,” Lucas said. “We might have trouble brewing instead.”

She and the Wolfes had grown up in Destiny, a place where poly families were the norm. It was hard for them to understand why love didn’t work that way for everyone.

She sighed. What am I thinking? Nothing about love is working for me. It’s a complete fucked-up mess.

Ashley walked back into the conference room. “They want to take me to dinner at that French restaurant just across the street, Phoebe.”

Mitchell’s eyebrows shot up. “Both of them? Together?”

“Not at first,” Ash admitted. “I told them that I would only go if I didn’t have to choose between them.”

“Good for you.” Phoebe remembered Ash telling her about the struggle she’d had with three men back in her hometown in Nevada. “Go. Have fun.”

“But, boss, they’re not from Destiny.”

“It’s only a date. Relax.” She put her arm around Ash. “Go to dinner with them. That’s an order.”

“Aye-aye, sir.” Ash laughed. She left with the Braxton men.

“You said you could eat,” Mitchell said. “Me, too. What are you hungry for?”

Before she could answer, a text came in on her cell.

* * * *

The morning sun was hidden behind dark clouds. A storm was coming.
